Aronda - General game info
2 players, 8 years and older
AuthorsMichail Antonow
Jens-Peter Schliemann
Published byClemens Gerhards KG
Online since 2009-05-01
Developed by (MrLucky66)
Boardgamegeek35546 owns a license for the online version of this game. A big "thank you" to the copyright owners (publisher and/or author and illustrator) who make it possible to have this game for free online here!
Current open invitations
Best players
Player TrueSkill*
Hermit Borntotry 1489
Itzamna zanlinphon 1404
Builder Anakin 1372
Ix Chel Skywalker 1351
Itzamna dadodudou 1322
Ahmakiq ib90 1312
Chaac PhilAtLast 1304
Ahaucan Tataria 1302
Ix Chel Arvid 1300
Itzamna Fede 1292
* Only ranking games count
Players with most games
Player Number of games*
Ix Chel anette 2376
Judge SacamantecaS 1259
Weaver taro 1068
Secretary Torafujii 983
Builder MobyNostromo 764
Itzamna abreiten 720
Lay priest Flyfrog 713
Ahaucan popidol 677
Ahmakiq ib90 674
Scholar sporb 668
* Only ranking games count
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