Bangkok Klongs - General game info
Bangkok Klongs
2-4 players, 45-60 minutes, 10 years and older
AuthorMartin Schlegel
IllustratorKlemens Franz
Published byDLP-Games
Online since 2011-03-11
Developed byChristoph (Biswut)
Boardgamegeek82424 owns a license for the online version of this game. A big "thank you" to the copyright owners (publisher and/or author and illustrator) who make it possible to have this game for free online here!
Current open invitations
Best players
Player TrueSkill*
Ahaucan Zesterfleth 1763
Ahmakiq blue4u 1737
Messenger shamouel 1678
Itzamna prof43 1600
Itzamna Be_Ka 1490
Monk Softwehr 1479
Hermit Freudenreich 1403
Itzamna Keng_Ho 1378
Itzamna Himmelvis 1376
Chaac David_Turambar 1320
* Only ranking games count
Players with most games
Player Number of games*
Ahmakiq blue4u 219
Itzamna Be_Ka 122
Hermit Vortexsurfer 120
Ahaucan Saraxsr 116
Itzamna volkerk 93
Lay priest lovepagliuca 93
Itzamna prof43 74
Astrologer baikinman 73
Juror Xansta 71
Messenger shamouel 68
* Only ranking games count
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