Finca - General game info
2-4 players, 45 minutes, 10 years and older
AuthorsRalf zur Linde (Ralfonzo)
Wolfgang Sentker
IllustratorFranz Vohwinkel
Published byHans im Glück
Rio Grande Games
Online since 2009-11-21
Developed byKai Aust (kai96)
Kay Wilke (Sparhawk)
Boardgamegeek40628 owns a license for the online version of this game. A big "thank you" to the copyright owners (publisher and/or author and illustrator) who make it possible to have this game for free online here!
Current open invitations
Best players
Player TrueSkill*
Itzamna Radagast 1524
Healer matia 1509
Itzamna ak15 1508
Hermit tamihiko71b 1494
Juror aewevp 1460
Treasurer kingarth 1450
Itzamna Ccybrina 1445
Ahaucan timmycrackedcorn 1422
Novitiate Methos 1415
Itzamna mobileg 1410
* Only ranking games count
Players with most games
Player Number of games*
Journeywoman Cathy-A-Harvey 1197
Farmer Dave-BC 1181
Hermit lunaflute 1063
Toolmaker Kieu 1023
Ahaucan cs2376 763
Temple servant Chocolata 547
Hermit judy 507
Chilan priestess die Tapfere 452
Hermit inkku 443
Ix Chel anette 429
* Only ranking games count
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