2-5 players, 60-90 minutes, 10 years and older |
Author | Wolfgang Kramer |
Illustrator | Michael Menzel |
Published by | Hans im Glück Rio Grande Games |
Online since | 2006-02-26 |
Reimplemented | 2018-07-07 |
Developed by | Adrian Kügel (ak15) (Stonecrusher) |
Previously developed by | Kay Wilke (Sparhawk) |
Boardgamegeek | 19100 |
Yucata.de owns a license for the online version of this game. A big "thank you" to the copyright owners (publisher and/or author and illustrator) who make it possible to have this game for free online here! |
If you are reading these rules for the first time, ignore the text along the right hand side. These rules serve as a summary to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the game.
→ summary only
→ detailed version only
→ both summary and detailed version

The players are estancieros (large landowners) in Argentina. They
acquire land and animals, build estancias (haciendas), harvest and sell animals
at market. The winner is the player who has most important estanciero at the
end of the game; that is, who scores the most points. Players earn points
for access to markets and water, for land chains and haciendas,
and for money.
1 game board
It shows markets, pampas spaces, land spaces, and four water spaces. During the
game, players place animal tiles on pampas spaces and land tiles on land
spaces. Markets remain as is - nothing is placed on them. The scoring track
runs around the edge of the game board. The game board has two sides: a
symmetric map and an asymmetric map. The symmetric map has 11 markets and the
asymmetric map has 10 markets. Each map requires a different strategy to give
players extra options. All examples will use the symmetric map.
Adaptation for the online game:
Animal and landscape cards that were drawn from the open display will stay
visibile to the other players. Also, the amount of money of each player
is shown.
In the unlikely case that all players pass in a row without performing any
action, the game will be finished immediately with the final scoring. If the
intermediate scoring hasn't happened yet, it will be skipped. This is for
sitations in which no player can still do an action (or doesn't want to do
another action).
Several more maps are available. (Note! The map "The Crucible" has
its own rules).
You can play with maps that have been created with the
map generator.
Rule changes compared to the old implementation:
The number of handcards is not limited anymore.
The water tiles are scored according to the original rules, i.e. adjacent
water tiles are not combined into one lake.
When using the map "Campesino", there are only 4 "number 1" water tiles
in the supply, because the other 5 are already placed on the map. The old
implementation ignored that there are only 9 "number 1" water tiles in the
game material and made 5 "number 1" water tiles available in the supply.
haciendas as scoring markers in 5 colors:
neutral haciendas
harvest chips
money bills (pesos) 20x1, 16x2, 12x5, 10x10, 8x20, 6x50
rule summaries
1 rule booklet with rules that apply for both maps (front and back).
Preparation at a glance:
Number of players |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Animal cards removed |
30 |
20 |
10 |
0 |
Haciendas next to the board |
5 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Harvest chips next to the board |
all |
Water tiles on the map |
1 each of on the 4 water spaces |
Water tiles next to the board |
all remaining |
Face up animal and land cards |
4 of each |
Split animal stack into two halves
Each player takes: |
1 hacienda (score marker), 30 animal tiles, 8 land cards, 4 animal
cards, 20 pesos, 1 rule summary
Game board: the players choose one side of the game board and place it
in the middle of the table. We recommend players use the symmetrical map for
their first game.
Each player takes 1 hacienda and
30 animal tiles of a color, 20 pesos starting capital,
and 1 rule summary.
The players place their haciendas as scoring markers on the start space of
the scoring track. The animal tiles have different animals pictured on the
front and back sides.
Shuffle the 80 land cards. Each player takes 8 land cards
as his starting hand. Place the remaining cards as a face down supply next to
the board.
Draw 4 land cards from the land supply and place them face up next to
the board.
Shuffle the 72 animal cards and randomly remove, without
looking at them, several cards, depending on the number of players (see table),
from the game.
Each player takes 4 animal cards, adding them to his hand. Draw
4 animal cards from the animal supply and place them face up next to the board.
Divide the remaining animal cards into two equal stacks. Place one stack
face down next to the face up animal cards as a supply, the other stack is set
aside for now.
Place all hexagonal land tiles as a supply next to the game
Place 4 water tiles (number 1 tiles) on the 4 water spaces
on the game board.
Place all remaining water tiles next to the board as a supply.
Place the appropriate number (see below) of neutral haciendas
and harvest chips as supplies next to the game board.
The players choose a player to manage the game money.
Game Play
The players choose a starting player, and players take turns in
clockwise order. On a player's turn, he takes up to
3 of the following actions in any order:
1 object buy (land card, animal card, hacienda, water tile)
1 card play
(land card or animal card)
1 harvest
1 object buy
Player can buy from the bank:
1 land card buy (several per turn)

The player pays the required amount to the bank and adds the
card to his hand. He can play the card immediately, but this is another action!
See 1 card play, below. When a player buys a face up land card, he immediately
replaces it in the display by drawing a new land card from the supply. He could
buy this just drawn card in a further action.
1 animal card buy (several per turn)

The player pays the required amount to the bank and adds the
card to his hand. He can play the card immediately, but this is another action!
See 1 card play, below. When a player buys a face up animal card, he
immediately replaces it in the display by drawing a new animal card from the
supply. He could buy this just drawn card in a further action.
1 hacienda buy (once per turn)

The player can buy only 1 hacienda per turn. The player pays 12
pesos to the bank, takes 1 hacienda (as long as there is 1 left in the supply)
and places it immediately on any of his land tiles or animal tiles that does
not already have a hacienda. When scoring, 1 hacienda earns a player 1 point
for each land tile in the chain or each animal tile in the herd.
1 water tile buy (once per turn)

The player can buy only 1 water tile per turn. All
water tiles, regardless of their size, cost 12 pesos. The player plays the 12
pesos to the bank, takes the water tile of his choice (as long as there are
some in the supply), and places it on any empty pampas space, if it is a single
water tile, or on several empty pampas spaces, if it is a larger water tile.
During scoring, a water tile earns a player 1 point for each of his land tiles
or animal tiles that are adjacent to the water tile.
1 card play
Play a land card and place a land tile on the matching landscape on the map.
Pampas spaces need to be adjacent to an own already placed land tile.
If there are no empty land spaces of the type of the card then the card is treated as a pampas land card.
land card

When a player plays a land card, he takes a land tile of his
color from the supply and places it on any empty land space on the map that
matches the land type of the card played.
Note: the land tiles are two-sided with different player colors on each
When a player plays a pampas land card, he must play his land tile on a pampas
space adjacent to one of his already placed land tiles.
Red plays a mountain land card and places one of his red land
tiles on a mountain space on the map.
It can happen late in the game that a player plays a land card, but
there are no empty land spaces of that type. In this case, the card is treated
as a pampas land card. In such a case, for example, if a player plays a
mountain land card and there are no empty mountain spaces, he must place his
land tile on an empty pampas space adjacent to one of his already placed pampas
Red plays a pampas land card and places one of his land tiles
on an empty pampas space next to one of his already placed land
After playing the land card and placing the tile, the player
discards the land card.
Land chains: a land chain is made up of 2 or more land tiles of the
same color that are connected to each other on the map. A chain of 3 or more
tiles will earn the player points during scoring. Single land tiles and 2 tile
chains do not earn players points during scoring.
Tip: players should try to create chains of 3 tiles or more.
Play an animal card and place an animal tile of that type on an empty pampas space
which is adjacent to one of your own already placed land tiles or to one of
your animal tiles of that type. For each adjacent market, collect as many pesos as
the number of animals in your herd plus the number of your land tiles connected to it.
animal card

When a player plays an animal card, he takes one of his animal
tiles showing the same animal and places it on an empty pampas space on the
map, adjacent to one of his land tiles or one of his animal tiles, showing the
same animal. A herd (one or more connected animal tiles) can only be with
animals of the same kind. However, different animal herds may be adjacent to
each other. After playing the animal card and placing the tile, the player
discards the animal card.
Your own and others herds can be next to your herds. The blue pig
is next to the blue horse herd and also the red pig herd.
Tip: when placing animal tiles, players should plan to leave empty
pampas spaces for water tiles to be played later.

When a player places an animal tile adjacent to a side of a market, the player earns
money. If a player places several animal tiles adjacent to market sides in a
turn, he earns more money. For each market side, the player earns money. The
amount the player earns is calculated using the following formula:
number of animal tiles in the herd + number of land tiles = number
of pesos
By "number of land tiles" it means all land tiles that are
connected to any tile in the herd.
Blue plays 3 pig cards as his 3 actions and places 3 pig tiles as shown. He places the first pig next to his land tiles. He places the second next to the first and a market. He earns 5 pesos (3 land tiles + 2 animal tiles = 5) for reaching the market. He places the third next to the second and another
side of the market, earning another 6 pesos (3 land tiles + 3 animal
tiles = 6).
Red places pig #1 next to the market. He thereby connects the two before separate pig
herds together and adds a market side. For the now 6 tile herd and the 5 connected
land tiles (2 above and 3 below), he earns 11 pesos.
Note: each side of a market may only be scored once. Thus,
when a player increases a herd, but does not reach a new market side, he
earns no money.
Note: when a player reaches a market side with a herd, even if with just
1 tile, he scores and closes this side for further payments.
Tip: players should try to reach as many markets as possible with their
1 harvest (once per turn)
Take a harvest chip from the supply and place it on an own land tile belonging to a
land chain without harvest chip. Earn 3 * number of land tiles in the chain pesos.

A player can earn money in two ways. Either he brings a herd to market (see
above) or he places a harvest chip. To place a harvest chip, the player takes a
chip from the supply and places it on any land tile of one of his land chains,
if the chain has no other harvest chip. Then, the player gets money from
the bank using the following formula:
number of land tiles in the chain times 3 pesos
Example: 7 land tiles x 3 pesos = 21 pesos.
If there are no harvest chips in the supply, a player can still
harvest. He takes any harvest chip from one of his opponent's chains and
places it on his chain, earning money in the normal way. In this way, a land
chain may earn money more than once.
animal card supply exhausted
When the last card of the animal supply is bought or used to
replace one that is bought, the second stack is activated and becomes the new
animal supply. At the end of this round, after the last player has
completed his turn, the game flow is interrupted for the interim scoring.
When the animal supply is again exhausted, the players finish that round and
then end the game with the final scoring.
Point categories:
Markets: n * (n + 1) / 2 points, where n is the number of markets you have reached with animals.
Land chains with > 2 tiles: 2 points per land tile.
Hacienda: 1 point per land/animal tile in the land chain / animal herd.
Water: 1 point per adjacent own tile.
Pesos: 1 point for each 10 pesos.
Both interim and final scoring run the same way. The players score
points first for markets, then for land chains, then haciendas, then water,
and, finally, for the money that each player has. The players record their
points as they are scored by moving their scoring markers on the scoring track.
To speed the process, players should use the rule summaries.
points for connected markets
Players earn points for each market they are connected to. It does not
matter how many herds are connected to a market or how many market sides
are connected - only the number of markets connected. Players earn the points
in clockwise order using the following table:
number of connected markets |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
points |
1 |
3 |
6 |
10 |
15 |
21 |
28 |
36 |
45 |
55 |
66 |
Example: a player whose herds connect to 7 markets earns 28 points.
points for land chains
Award each player his points in clockwise order. Add up all land
tiles that the player has in chains of at least 3 land tiles in length.
Single land tiles and 2 tile chains are not counted! The points are scored
using the following formula:
number of land tiles times 2 points.
Example: a player has a 7 tile chain and two 3 tile chains. He also
has a 2 tile chain and 3 single tiles, but these are not counted.
Thus, he scores 7 + 3 + 3 = 13 x 2 = 26 points.
points for haciendas
Award each player his points in clockwise order. Sum all the land
tiles that belong to chains with haciendas and all the animal tiles in herds
with haciendas. The points are scored using the following formula:
number of land tiles times 1 point.
Note: if a land chain has more than one hacienda, it only
counts once.
Example: a player has 2 haciendas; one stands on a land chain of 7 land tiles
and the other stands on a herd of 6 animals. Thus, he
earns 7 + 6 = 13
points for water tiles
Players score each water tile separately. For each land tile and animal tile
that is adjacent to a water tile, the owner of the land or animal tile earns 1 point,
regardless of whether the water tile was placed on the board at the beginning of the
game or was placed later. After a water tile has been scored, turn it over.
After the interim scoring, turn these all water-side up again.
points for money
Each player counts his money. For each full 10 pesos, he receives 1 point.
Example: at game end, a player has 28 pesos. Thus, he scores 2
Example for scoring
 scoring for red in detail
red has connected to 5 markets. He has only failed
to reach the market in the upper center. He earns 15 points.
land chains: red has a 4 tile chain upper right and a 3 tile chain
lower left. The sum of 7 land tiles scores red 14 points. The 2 tile
chain upper left does not score.
haciendas: red has a hacienda on a 6 tile pig herd. He earns 6 points.
water tiles: the 1 space water tile on the left earns red 4 points, the 2 space water tile under that earns red 6 points. The 3 space water
tile in the middle earns red 1 point, and the 1 space water tile on the
right earns red 6 points. The animals between two water tiles earn
points for both water tiles.
The two pigs in the middle earn 1
point for each of the water tiles
they touch. Thus, they earn a total of 4 points.
money: red has 12 pesos. This earns him 1 point.
player |
red |
blue |
connected markets |
5 |
15 points |
4 |
10 points |
land chains |
7 (3+4) |
14 points |
10 (7+3) |
20 points |
haciendas |
6 |
6 points |
7+4 |
11 points |
water tiles |
4+6+1+6 |
17 points |
7+4 |
11 points |
money |
12 pesos |
1 points |
8 pesos |
0 points |
total |
53 points |
52 points |
Game End
The game ends after the final scoring. The player with the most
points is the winner. If players tie with the most points, the player among them with
the most money is the winner.
Variant 1
If you alter the proceeds, costs, and points, then the game presents new tactical and strategic possibilities. Play Hazienda in the "variant 1" with the following rule changes.
Market Change
When you bring a herd to Market use the following formula for Pesos received:
Multiply the number of animals in the herd times the number of lands that the
herd borders on.
Note: Not all landscape tiles of a land chain are counted,
only those that are directly adjacent to the herd.
Yellow has brought a pig herd to the market. He receives 2 pesos (2 animals x 1 land)
Yellow has a land chain with 4 landscape tiles when he brings his pig herd to the market.
The herd only borders on 2 of these tiles. He receives 4 pesos (2 animals x 2 land).
Yellow has a land chain with 6 landscape tiles when he brings his first pig herd (1 + 2) to the market
(3 + 4 are not played yet). He receives 6 pesos (2 animals x 3 land).
In a later turn he brings his other pig herd (3 + 4) to the market and at the same time connects both herds.
He receives 24 pesos (4 animals x 6 land).
Cost Changes
The cost for 1 hacienda is raised to 20 pesos.
The cost for 1 water is raised to 20 pesos.
Point Changes
In addition to markets, land tiles, haciendas and water, there are now points for herds.
Every herd of three or more animals counts as many points as animals in the herd.
Points for pesos: 1 point for every 20 pesos.
All other points remain as before.
Rules for "The Crucible" map
This is a two-player map, with the following changes:
- Land Cards (except Pampas): 8 each
- Pampas Cards (total): 6
- Animal Cards: 8 each
- Harvest Tokens & Haciendas: 3 each
- Water Tiles (except singles): 1 each
- Water Tiles (singles): 4 (setup on board; none available for purchase)
Give each player 2 of the pampas cards, then shuffle the remaining landscape cards
and place the cards as a face down supply next to the board. Deal each player two
hidden landscape cards. Draw 3 land cards from the land supply and place them
face up next to the board. Shuffle the animal cards and deal each player two hidden
animal cards. Draw 3 animal cards and place them face up next to the board.
Divide the remaining animal cards into one stack of 13 cards and one stack of 12 cards.
Place the bigger stack face down next to the face up animal cards as a supply, the other
stack is set aside for now. Like in the regular game, each player starts with 20 pesos.
Rule Changes
Market payout: use variant #1 for payout calculation, i.e. size of animal herd times
number of directly adjacent own landscape tiles.
- Land Chains (3 or more): 1 VP each instead of 2 VP each
- Herds (3 or more): 1 VP each (like variant #1)
- Single water tiles: 2 VP each instead of 1 VP each per adjacent own tile
Markets: Add 1 to the # of Markets when determining score, e.g. the second
market scores 3 points instead of 2. For 4 markets, your total score would
be 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 14.
Points Overview
Category | Standard | Variant 1 | The Crubicle |
Market |
Money: 1 peso for animal tiles in the herd + land tiles.
See also points for money.
Number of connected markets | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Points | 1 | 3 | 6 | 10 | 15 |
Money: 1 peso for number of animal tiles in the herd * number of land tiles that are adjacent to the herd.
See also points for money.
Number of connected markets | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Points | 1 | 3 | 6 | 10 | 15 |
Money: 1 peso for number of animal tiles in the herd * number of land tiles that are adjacent to the herd.
See also points for money.
Number of connected markets | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Points | 2 | 5 | 9 | 14 | 20 |
Landscapes |
2 points * number of landscape tiles in the chain if it's > 2. |
2 points * number of landscape tiles in the chain if it's > 2. |
1 point * number of landscape tiles in the chain if it's > 2. |
Animals |
- |
1 point for each animal in the chain if it's > 2. |
1 point for each animal in the chain if it's > 2. |
Haciendas |
1 point per tile in the chain. |
1 point per tile in the chain. |
1 point per tile in the chain. |
Water Tiles |
Per water tile 1 point for each adjacent animal- or landscape tile. |
Per water tile 1 point for each adjacent animal- or landscape tile. |
Per size 1 water tile 2 points for each adjacent animal- or landscape tile.
Per size 2 or size 3 water tile 1 point for each adjacent animal- or landscape tile. |
Money |
1 point for each 10 pesos |
1 point for each 10 pesos |
1 point for each 10 pesos |
Cost Overview
| Standard | Variant 1 | The Crubicle |
Category | costs in pesos | costs in pesos | costs in pesos |
Hidden Landscape |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Open Landscape |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Hidden Animal |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Open Animal |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Hacienda |
12 |
20 |
12 |
Water Tile |
12 |
20 |
12 |
Harvest Chip |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Buying a card cannot be undone.
The map generator is a windows program, that you can download on the website of the
Westpark Gamers.
The map generator is already supported by the Hacienda implementation of
SpielByWeb, now the Yucata implementation also
supports this generator.
Attention! The generator shows the map rotated counterclockwise by 90 degrees
(likely because it is easier to print it that way). If you upload your map to Yucata,
it will be rotated clockwise by 90 degrees so that the map orientation becomes correct.
Limitations: We only support maps up to a certain size. When you choose the number of
columns and rows in the generator, please make sure that the product of these values is at most
1760. Moreover you should not use more than 9 water tiles on the map (we assume that the
game material is limited, and there are only 9 "number 1" water tiles).
We don't guarantee that self-created maps will work well with our UI, and we also don't
check whether the map can be reasonably played. Recommendation: Try your self-created
maps in a non-scoring game first.
Unlike SpielByWeb, we currently don't offer the possibility to store your maps permanently
at Yucata. This would be far more work to support than just supporting the possiblity to upload maps
for your current game. If you want to store maps, you can use online storage systems and share
your maps there with other Yucata players.
There are two different settings for the display of the game items. They are accessible in the side panel in the tab with the heart icon:
"Adjust playing area to fit in window" (
This display setting will make all game items fit into the window and is the default setting.
"Adjust playing area to window width" (
This display setting is useful for mobile devices with a narrow screen. This setting lets the map use the whole window width.
For the map view itself there are also two additional settings in the section "Zoom map". You can either
- Auto-fit complete map to window size (checkmark is set), or
- select the map size with the slider.
In case of issues with the UI (e.g. not everything fits on the screen) it might help to disable this "Auto-fit" option and make the map smaller with the sider. You can try this in combination with the / buttons to find a setting that is acceptable for you.
There is a phase and an action indicator in the upper right corner (in
, in they are in bottom left corner).
If the first scoring is still to happen, the phase indicator circle is half filled (◐).
If the first scoring already happened, the circle is filled (●). The three circles
of the action indicator are filled as soon as the corresponding action has been completed (from ◌◌◌ to ●◌◌ to ●●◌ to ●●●).
If you move the mouse over the card stacks (
), you can see how many cards of each card type could still be in the stack. This includes also the hidden handcards of the other players, and the cards that have been removed during the game setup.
If on mobile or tablet where there is no mouse over, the first click on the card stacks opens this popup window. If you then click the card deck a second time you actually draw a card. Take care of this because drawing a card cannot be undone! In order to close the the popup on a mobile or tablet, click on the popup!
The score table shows in the first line after the total number of points of each player assuming the next scoring
would happen in that moment. In the second half of the game you can see in the second line
after ◐ the number of points during the first scoring, and after ● the number of points
which the corresponding player would currently get for the second scoring.
Below these lines, the point categories for the next scoring are shown:
First the markets, then the land chains, then the haciendas, water locations and finally
the points for money. When playing with the variant, also the points for
animal herds are shown.
When moving the mouse below the player info over the name of a player, you can see a table with the money and cards of all the players. When you click on a player name, the player info of that player will be shown instead of your own.
To again hide the table on mobiles or tablets just click on that table!
Game too slow?
If the game reacts slowly this might be due to the rendering of the graphics. You have the following options to accelerate the rendering:
- Change browser
My experience during test of the game regarding rendering: The Internet Explorer is relatively slow. The browser "Firefox" is faster, but the significantly fastest is the "Chrome" browser from Google.
- Disable animations
The animations need additional graphical elements that slow down the rendering. You may disable the animations in the side panel in the tab with the heart icon. Notice: After you remove the checkmark there, it can take up to 3 seconds for the graphics to be recreated in a performance optimized way.
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