2-5 players, 30-45 minutes, 8 years and older |
Author | Leo Colovini |
Illustrators | Kerem Beyit Anne Pätzke |
Published by | Schmidt Spiele |
Online since | 2013-03-18 |
Developed by | Martijn van der Vlag (Misth) |
Boardgamegeek | 89918 |
Yucata.de owns a license for the online version of this game. A big "thank you" to the copyright owners (publisher and/or author and illustrator) who make it possible to have this game for free online here! |
Mount Drago
The object of Mount Drago is to score the most points while riding dragons. The game is not a race.
Players don’t have to ride their dragon to the end of the track first; they need to advance dragons (their own and others’)
to the spaces that offer them the opportunity to score the most points during scoring.
- 10 Dragons
Blue |
Brown |
Black |
Red |
Yellow |
Green |
Gray |
Light Blue |
Purple |
Orange |
- 110 Game Cards
 2x |
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 3x |
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- 1 double sided board
2-3 Players
4-5 Players
- Select the appropriate side of the board (2-3 players side or 4-5 players side).
- Shuffle the dragon cards.
- Put all the dragon tokens on the starting space.
- Give 1 dragon card to each player. This card goes face up on the table in front of the player. Each player MUST have a different colored card (throughout the entire game, too!). This card will be the first dragon that each player will “ride”.
- Deal 6 cards to each player. These cards are the player’s hand.
Game Play
The youngest player begins, then turns progress clockwise. During his turn the active player can:
1. Play one card
2. Change dragon
3a. Score points (on scoring spaces)
3b. Discard card(s) if a dragon is across the finish line
3c. Draw one or more cards
1. Play one card
The active player must play one card.
- The color of the card indicates the dragon that will move.
- The number on the card indicates the number of spaces that colored dragon will move.
- The player can play any dragon color he wants, even the dragon of another player.
NOTE: Several dragons can occupy the same space simultaneously.
2. Change dragon
There are several conditions in which a player may change or keep the color of which dragon they are riding:
- If the player advances the dragon color that he is already riding, then he will remain on that color dragon.
- If the player advances a dragon color of a dragon that is in LAST place (or tied for last place), the player will be given the option to either keep the color of the dragon they are currently riding, or switch to the color of the dragon that they advanced, UNLESS they advanced an OPPONENT’S DRAGON in which case they will remain on their original dragon.
NOTE: All dragons in the “Start” position are considered tied for last place.
- If a player advances a dragon color other than the color of dragon he is CURRENTLY riding, AND the dragon moved is NOT in LAST PLACE, then once the dragon is advanced, the player will now be riding the advanced dragon UNLESS the dragon moved is being ridden by another player. (See OPPONENT’S DRAGON below.)
NOTE: On Yucata, this change happens automatically.
- If a player advances a dragon currently ridden by another player, then he will NOT change dragons. Both players will remain riding their current dragons.
At NO point during the game may any player control the SAME colored dragon as an opponent’s.
3a. Score Points (on scoring spaces)
Each time a dragon lands on a BLUE space, a GREEN space, or a RED space, then points are scored.
- BLUE Space
- When a dragon arrives on a BLUE space, then the rider of that colored dragon will score 3 points (for 2-3 player games) or 2 points (for 4-5 player games).
If any other dragons being ridden by other players are resting on a space numbered LESS than 4 (3,2,1,0,-2), then the player riding that colored dragon scores points respective to the number of the space they are on.
Note: Dragons in the STARTING position are considered to be on a 0 (zero) labeled space for the purposes of scoring.
Example: SCOTT is currently riding the BLACK dragon in a three player game. He plays a BLACK card to move his dragon onto a BLUE scoring space. SCOTT immediately scores 3 points. One of his opponents, MIKE, is riding the YELLOW dragon which is currently resting on a space labeled with the number 1. MIKE immediately scores 1 point. JEN is riding the GREY dragon which is currently resting on a space labeled with the number 6. JEN does NOT score any points.
- GREEN Space
- When a dragon arrives on a GREEN space, then the rider of that colored dragon will score points equal to the number labeled in the GREEN space (either 4, 7 or 8 points.)
All other dragons being ridden by other players score points equal to the number shown in the space that their dragon is currently resting on.
Example: SCOTT is currently riding the BLACK dragon in a three player game. He plays a BLACK card to move his dragon onto a GREEN scoring space (in this case the GREEN spaced with the number 4). SCOTT immediately scores 4 points. One of his opponents, MIKE, is riding the YELLOW dragon which is currently resting on a space labeled with the number 1. MIKE immediately scores 1 point. JEN is riding the GREY dragon which is currently resting on a space labeled with the number 6. JEN immediately scores 6 points.
- RED Space (the last spaces on the track)
- When a dragon lands on a RED Space for the FIRST time, then scoring occurs exactly as it does when landing on a GREEN space.
Moving that color dragon to another RED space DOES NOT initiate scoring.
3b. Discard card(s) if a dragon is across the finish line
The players may discard any and all cards of dragons resting on any RED spaces.
MIKE advanced the YELLOW dragon onto one of the RED ending spaces. On SCOTT’S turn, he advances the BLACK dragon. SCOTT has 2 YELLOW dragon cards in his hand, a 4 and a 2. SCOTT may discard both, but he chooses to discard ONLY the 4 and keeps the 2.
3c. Draw one or more cards
If the player DID NOT cause scoring on his turn, then he must refill his hand to 6 cards.
If the player plays the LAST card in their hand, then he must refill his hand to 6 cards.
If the player HAS caused points to be scored, he cannot draw cards unless he played the LAST card in his hand.
Game End
The game ends when a third dragon reaches one of the last 4 red spaces. Scoring occurs as usual, but
the game ends immediately thereafter.
The player with the most points wins. In case of a tie, there are several winners.
Gameplay Tips
Moving other’s dragons (even onto scoring spaces) can be as advantageous as moving your own.
If, for example, you can move your opponent onto the GREEN 4 space, and you are currently resting on a space labeled 6, then your opponent would score 4 and you would score 6 (a net gain of 2 points). This same logic applies if you’re able to force an opponent’s dragon on the -2 space...
Don’t rush to score points as fast as you can. Try to position your dragon to be in the best place possible to score points on your opponents’ turns as well. The 3, 2 and 1 spaces ALWAYS score points regardless of the color scoring space your opponent lands on, and they add up quick! Maybe you can jump up and score 7 points on a GREEN space (which lets your opponents score too), or you can score four times by remaining on the same 3 space, netting you 12 points instead!
Timing is everything. Don’t move your dragon into a scoring space when you KNOW your opponent will score too (this is ESPECIALLY important on the BLUE spaces). Wait for the opportunity to grab those BLUE space points when your opponents are stuck on spaces that won’t score!
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