Players place their discs on a square multicolored board and try to either get three of their discs in one group of the same color,
four discs in a square, or five discs in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row to immediately win the game.
Game Components
game board 6x6
game board 7x7
player discs (20 each in 2 colors)
Game Play
Beginning with the start player (chosen at random), players take turns placing a single disc of their color on any free square on the game board.
The board has two sides: QANGO 6 with 6x6 squares, and QANGO 7 with 7x7 squares.
The QANGO board consists of colored squares where 3 of each with the same color are connected (examples shown in the picture).
Game End
The game is won by the player that has placed...
EITHER 3 discs in a single colored area...
OR 4 discs in any square...
OR 5 discs in a single line.
The game ends in a tie if all squares are taken (QANGO 6 and QANGO 7 Plus) or all 40 discs have been placed (QANGO 7) without one player fulfilling a winning condition.
QANGO 6 - Variants
The start player may start anywhere but in "the castle".
These are the 8 squares each marked (X) as shown in the picture on the left.
The starting player may only start at the edge.
The squares each marked (X) as shown in the picture on the right are forbidden for the starting disc.
Only tournament games may be scored.
For QANGO 7 the same rules apply as for QANGO 6.
The only peculiarity is the single yellow square in the middle which does not belong to any area.
It can be taken and can be used to win by square or line condition.
The game ends tied if all 40 discs have been placed without a winner.
QANGO 7 Plus
QANGO 7 Plus is played on the QANGO 7 board,
but the 12 grey squares in the corners are not available.
QANGO 7 Plus - Variants
THE EDGES RULE (shown on the left)
The starting player may only start at the edge.
THE TOURNAMENT RULE (shown on the right)
The starting player may start only on one of the 4 squares without 'X'.
Only tournament games may be scored.