1-4 players, 90-120 minutes, 12 years and older |
Authors | Helmut Ohley Leonhard 'Lonny' Orgler |
Illustrators | Martin Hoffmann Claus Stephan |
Published by | Hans im Glück |
Online since | 2014-06-22 |
Reimplemented | 2016-02-21 |
Developed by | (BloodyMary) |
Previously developed by | (BloodyMary) |
Boardgamegeek | 144733 |
Yucata.de owns a license for the online version of this game. A big "thank you" to the copyright owners (publisher and/or author and illustrator) who make it possible to have this game for free online here! |
If you are reading these rules for the first time, ignore the text along the right hand side. These rules serve as a summary to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the game.
→ summary only
→ detailed version only
→ both summary and detailed version

Russian Railroads
→ original rules (pdf, german only)
→ FAQ (pdf, german only)
The players embody railroad moguls who have been commissioned to build the Trans-Siberian Railway, as well as
two additional railroads. In addition to track construction, the players will purchase new locomotives, promote
industrialization, and hire workers and engineers. All this is done in the lofty pursuit of acquiring the most victory
points – the truest measurement of a player’s rail building skills.
Clarification of rules as agreed with author and publisher:
Actions, players are competing for are to be performed completely, players are not allowed to omit those actions or parts of them.
If a player is not able to perform such an action completely, he may not choose that action. That applies to all actions on the game board (including the public
engineers) and the
Actions, players are not competing for may be omitted. That will happen automatically, if the according actions cannot be performed anymore.
That applies to industry actions, hired engineers and
- Actions a player gets during his move may be performed at any time.
German Railroads
Players can't get more than two extra workers of their color even if they choose extensions which would allow that. If conditions for 3
extra workers are met, all 3 workers will get a green mark (conditions are met), despite the fact that the player only gets 2 of them.
To make things clear and easy to handle following restrictions apply:
- Choosing End Bonus cards will be postponed until there are no obligatory actions left to be done (no undo possible).
- For the same reason choosing End Bonus cards will be postponed if it was activated using foundry actions.
- If a player places a locomotive, he will have to complete this action including possible overbuilding of other locomotives before he can go on.
- If a player gets to use an action field once again due to the corresponding engineer or a factory, he has to choose that action field before he can go on.
Game Components
35 workers (8 in each of 4 player colors, 2 turquoise, 1 black)
8 pawns (2 in each of 4 player colors)
48 tracks (12 black, 12 gray, 12 brown, 8 natural, 4 white)
8 Industry markers
37 locomotives (4 of each of the #1-8 locomotives, 5 of the #9 locomotives)
20 Doubler tokens
18 roubles (coins)
4 Revaluation markers
4 Kiev Medals
1 Last Round marker
4 100/200-point tokens
4 300/400-point tokens
4 Turn Order cards
1 detailed rulebook
4 Scoring Overview cards
Board setup for 4 players (changes 2 and 3 players are described later on)

Shuffle the 10 End Bonus cards and remove two of them without looking. The 8 remaining cards form a face down pile.
Sort the 15 Engineers into a A and B pile and shuffle them separately.
Place the top 4 engineers of the B stack on the spaces marked 6, 5, 4 and 3. Place the top 3 engineers
of the A stack on the spaces marked 2, 1 and the rouble.
Remove the remaining engineers from the game.
Note: The smallest visible number at the spaces for engineers indicate the number of rounds still to be played.
Setup player for 4 players (changes 2 and 3 players are described later on)

Each player takes...
- ... a #1 locomotive and places it on the appropriate space at the upper left of the player board
- ... 3 black tracks and places them on the first space of each of the three railroads.
- ... 5 workers in her color
- ... 1 rouble
- ... 1 industry marker and places it on space 0 of the industry track.
- Each player selects a color and places the matching player board in front of herself.
- Each player receives a #1 locomotive from the supply and places it on the appropriate space at the upper left of her player board.
- Each player receives 3 black tracks from the supply and places them on the first space of each of the three railroads pictured on her player board.
- Each player receives 5 workers in her color and places them before her. The remaining 2 workers are placed near the game board in a supply.
- Each player receives 1 rouble from the supply.
- Each player receives 1 industry marker and places it on space 0 of the industry track.
- Each player receives 7 different
tokens, a second industry marker, 1 Kiev Medal and 1 Revaluation token. She places everything near her player board.
- Shuffle the 4 Turn Order Cards and place one number-side-up in front of each player.
- Each player receives 2 pawns in her color: one to place on the 100 space of the scoring track; another to place on the space of the turn order track matching her Turn Order card.
Lay out the 4 Starting Bonus cards. The player 4th in turn order takes one, uses its ability and removes it from the game. The player
3rd in turn order does the same, followed by the player 2nd in turn order. The player 1st in turn order receives no Starting Bonus card.
The remaining Starting Bonus card is returned to the box.
- Each player receives a Scoring Overview card.
Game Play
The players take actions one after the other in order, until all players have passed. At the end of each round, players
score points as a measurement of their progress.
In the four-player game, the game ends after the seventh round.
Each turn a player will choose an unoccupied action space, occupy it with the required number of workers
and perform that action.
The players take actions one after the other in order, until all players have passed. At the end of each round, players
score points as a measurement of their progress.
In the four-player game, the game ends after the seventh round.
Playing a turn

Each turn a player will choose an unoccupied action space, occupy it with the required number of workers
and perform that action.
You must consider the following:
- You must choose an unoccupied action space (i.e. one that is not already occupied by workers).
- You must place the correct number of workers required for the action space you wish to use.
- You must only use workers from your personal worker supply.
- You must immediately make use of the chosen action
- You must perform the action in its entirety.
- You may perform only one action per turn.
Note: exceptions to these rules will be noted where applicable.
Note: We use the word “must” to ensure players clearly understand how the game is to be played. There are
only positive actions. In most cases, a player will only take an action they want to perform.
The areas of the board - possible actions
- Track extension
- Locomotives and factories
- Industrialization
- Auxiliary actions
- Engineers
- Turn order track
Track extension
Each player board depicts 3 railroads, which can be independently extended over the course of the game. The better each of their railroads is developed, the more points each player will score at the end of each round.
To advance their tracks players place the required number of workers on one of the track extension action spaces. You may choose to distribute track advancements between multiple railroads.
In order to advance the tracks in the other colors, you must first earn them. Your earn these tracks by advancing
the black track to spaces 2, 6, 10 and 15 on the Trans-Siberian.
The action at the bottom of the area of rail extension (move a black or gray track) is the only one which may be occupied by several
players as well as more than once by each player.
The track extension actions are among the most important in the game
Each player’s personal player board depicts 3 railroads, which can be independently extended over the course of the game.
These railroads will be called Trans-Siberian railroad, Petersburg railroad and Kiev railroad for the remainder of this rulebook.
The better each of their railroads is developed, the more points each player will score at the end of each round.
First, place the required number of workers on one of the track extension action spaces. Then, advance the
appropriate track(s) on your player board the number of spaces indicated on the action space.
You may choose to distribute track advancements between multiple railroads.
And so ends the action.
In order to earn more points, the players should strive to extend their railroads
through the advancement of these tracks. To maximize their progress, players will
also need to advance tracks of other colors, indicating tracks of higher value.
In order to advance the tracks in the other colors, you must first earn them. Your earn these tracks by advancing
the black track to spaces 2, 6, 10 and 15 on the Trans-Siberian.
Once a player has advanced the black track to or beyond space 2 of the Trans-Siberian, she immediately takes 3 gray tracks from the general
supply. She places these new tracks to the left of each railroad depicted on
her player board. She may now begin advancing her gray tracks.
When a player’s black track reaches or passes space 6 of the Trans-Siberian, the player
receives 3 brown tracks, space 10 grants access to 2 natural tracks and space 15 to 1 white track.
The two actions at the bottom of the area of rail extension
To use this action, you must place a worker and 1 rouble. This action gives you two advancements of
your choice (split between 1 or 2 tracks).
This is the only action in the game that may be used more than once during a round. When a player places a worker there, she must then
move either a black or a gray track. The action space is not considered occupied and may be used again during the same round by any player (including players
who have already used it).
The following must be observed when advancing tracks:
Tracks advance in a specific unchangeable order:
first black, then gray, brown, natural and finally white.
A track can only be moved onto an empty space. A track
may never catch up to or go beyond the track that is in
front of it. As such, the order is always respected.
- Advancements may be split between different railroads.
Not all railroads use every track color. Your player board
shows which colors go with which railroads.
Locomotives and factories
Building locomotives:
The player takes 1 locomotive from the lowest numbered pile in the supply and places this locomotive in front of one of the 3 railroads of his
player board.
There can be up to 2 locomotives on the Trans-Siberian (their range will be added).
During each end of round scoring, you will only score points for the spaces that your locomotives can reach.
Upgrading locomotives:
To upgrade a locomotive, simply replace it with one whose number is higher.
The “old” locomotive is not lost: you can move it to one of the other two railroads.
When a player is unable to place a locomotive, she flips it purple side up and places it next to the locomotive
supply. That locomotive will now be used as a factory.
A factory is depicted on the back of each locomotive. A factory can be used to benefit from a unique ability. The ability
of a factory is also depicted in the top left corner of a locomotive.
Building Factories:
The player takes a locomotive from the lowest numbered pile in the supply, flip it and place it on the next free space
at the bottom of his player board.
If there are some factories next to the locomotive piles, the player may choose to take one of these factories.
If you manage to fill your 5 factory spaces, you can replace any of your factories with the new one.
Building locomotives
First, place the required number of workers on one of the locomotive action spaces. Then, take 1
locomotive from the lowest numbered pile in the supply. Finally, place this locomotive in front of one of the 3 railroads of your
player board.
There can be only 1 locomotive on these railroads: St.Petersburg and Kiev. There can be up to 2 locomotives
on the Trans-Siberian. The number of a locomotive indicates the number of spaces it can reach on a railroad.
The Trans-Siberian is the only railroad where there can be 2 locomotives. One of these is placed next to the board
to the left of the track, while the other is placed directly on the board. You must add up the value of both locomotives
on the Trans-Siberian to determine the total number of spaces that can be reached on this railroad.
Upgrading locomotives
To upgrade a locomotive, simply replace it with one whose number is higher.
The “old” locomotive is not lost: you can move it to one of the other two railroads.
When you move an “old” locomotive to a railroad where there is a locomotive, this can create a chain reaction.
When a player is unable to place a locomotive, she flips it purple side up and places it next to the locomotive
supply. That locomotive will now be used as a factory. What are factories? They will be
explained in the next section.
During each end of round scoring, you will only score points for the spaces that your locomotives can reach.
Furthermore, special spaces are spread amongst your railroads, and in order to benefit from
their advantage, you must first reach them with a locomotive.
Factories are essential to the industrial development of your railroad network. Not only that, but each factory can
be used to benefit from a unique ability.
A factory is depicted on the back of each locomotive. Locomotives with the same number all have the same factory
on their back. Each factory grants its owner a special ability that she can benefit from. The ability a factory
possesses is also depicted in the top left corner of a locomotive.
Building Factories
To build a factory, you must use the same actions that were required to build locomotives.
First, place the required number of workers on the action space. Then, just like you did for the locomotives, take a
locomotive from the lowest numbered pile in the supply.
Flip this locomotive purple side up (with the factory) and place it under your board, in one of the 5 spaces reserved
for factories. You must place your factories from left to right. If a player wishes to build a factory and there
are some factories next to the locomotive piles, the player will be able to choose between one of the face up factories
or one from the lowest numbered pile.
If you manage to fill your 5 factory spaces, you can replace them with other factories. When you wish to replace
a factory, you must first place one of your “old” factories in the general supply, to the left of the locomotive piles,
factory side up (purple side). Then, you place the new factory in the recently freed space. You do not have to
replace your factories from left to right.
Note: How factories are used will be covered in the next section “Industrialization”.
Advance your
Industry marker the number of spaces indicated by the chosen action space.
You cannot move your Industry marker into or beyond a gap. You have to build a factory first.
Moving your Industry marker on a industry space of a factory triggers the ability of that factory.
Another type of action is possible: industrialization. Industrialization lets you score points during the scoring phase
at the end of a round, and also gives you access to the abilities of your factories.
First, place the required number of workers on one of the industrialization action spaces. Then, advance your
Industry marker the number of spaces indicated by the chosen action space. You will notice that there is a gap after the first 4 spaces of your
industry track. You cannot move your Industry marker into or beyond this gap.
For your Industry marker to progress on your industry track, you must first fill these gaps with factories. This
represents another way in which your industries are improving.
Each factory features an industry space onto which your Industry marker can move.
After each factory there is another industry space that becomes available.
When a marker moves onto a factory, you must then immediately use that factory’s ability. If you are unable to
use it at that time, the effect is cancelled.
The various abilities are explained here.
Auxiliary actions
1 Doubler:
Place a doubler above the Trans-Siberian. A doubler multiplies by 2 (doubles) the value of the space below it during scoring.
2 Roubles
Take 2 roubles from the supply
2 temporary workers
Take the 2 turquoise temporary workers. These workers act as if they were your own color. You may not keep the temporary workers for the next round.
1 Doubler
Place 1 worker on this action space to take 1 doubler from the supply. Then, you must place
this doubler on an empty dashed space above the Trans-Siberian (and only there). You
must fill these 8 spaces from left to right and there may only be 1 doubler per space. A track does not have to be present for you to be
able to place a doubler. A doubler multiplies by 2 (doubles) the value of the space below it during scoring.
2 Roubles
Place 1 worker on this action space to take 2 roubles from the supply and then place them in front of you.
Roubles may replace workers when playing on action spaces.
Although roubles can replace workers, workers cannot replace roubles. Like action spaces occupied by one or more
workers, an action space that is occupied by a rouble cannot be used again during this round.
2 temporary workers
Place 1 worker on this action space to take the 2 turquoise temporary workers. You must
use these workers during this round, and they act as if they were your own color.
Just like roubles, you can use temporary workers by themselves (individually or together), or combine them with
workers of your own color or roubles.
You may not keep the temporary workers for the next round.
Hiring engineers:
Each round, only one engineer can be hired. To hire an engineer, you must place a rouble on the hiring action space. Place the engineer
close to your player board. Hired engineer may only be used by the player himself once per round.
The 2 light side up engineers on the game board:
Both engineers that are placed light side up on the board allow players to use their respective action. Players are
unable to hire these engineers.
The 4 left-most engineers may neither be hired not used. Seeing them lets players plan ahead for the rounds to come.
Hiring engineers
Engineers can help players during the game with their special skills. They can also give players a certain number of
points at the end of the game. Each round, only one engineer can be hired. The engineer that can be hired is located in the right-most space
(the hiring space) of the engineer area of the game board. To hire an engineer, you must place a rouble on the hiring action space. You then take the engineer from this
space and place it, light side up, close to your player board.
The light side of each engineer shows an action. If a player has one or more engineers next to his game board, he
may use these actions just like those from the game board. A player may use his engineer actions,
even if he is unable to use the action completely.
Another advantage to having “your own engineers” is that they are not “time sensitive”, meaning that since the
other players do not have access to them, you are able to use them exactly when you need to.
The 2 light side up engineers on the game board
Both engineers that are placed light side up on the board allow players to use their respective action. Players are
unable to hire these engineers. They represent extra action spaces available to all players, just like all other action
spaces on the game board (track extension, locomotive, etc.). And just like all other action spaces on the board,
these actions can only be used once per round.
The 4 left-most engineers
These engineers can neither be used nor hired. However, at the end of a round, every engineer is moved one space to the right.
In other words, these engineers will become available during future rounds. Seeing them lets players plan ahead for the rounds to come.
Turn order
The turn order track is used to determine player order.
When a player does not wish to or cannot continue playing, she passes. The other players keep playing, one after the other, until every player has passed.
You can place one of your workers under the first or second position of the turn order track indicating that you want to play
at that position in the next round.
You may not place a worker on the action space under your current position.
Once the turn order has been reorganized, players
who placed a worker on the turn order action spaces can each move their worker to a free action space.
In this game, players do not play in clockwise order. The turn order track is used to determine player order. The
player occupying the first position plays first, followed by the player occupying the second position, and so forth.
Once the last player has taken her turn, it is once again the first player’s turn to play.
When a player does not wish to or cannot continue playing, she passes; this means that for the remainder of this
round, she will not be able to play. Finally, to show that she is out of this round, she flips her Turn Order card and
immediately scores the points shown on the back of her card.
The other players keep playing, one after the other, until every player has passed.
Note: Even if a player runs out of workers, this does not mean that she must pass right away. She can continue
performing actions with roubles.
You can place one of your workers under the first or second position of the turn order track.
This will be your position in the turn order sequence of the following round.
You may not place a worker on the action space under your current position
in the turn order, nor may you occupy both turn order action spaces.
Special case: If the first player places a worker on the 2nd position (probably because she does not wish to move further back) and that no other
player places a worker on the 1st position, the turn order will not change. The player still replaces her worker.
A worker on a turn order action space provides another benefit. Once the turn order has been reorganized, players
who placed a worker on the turn order action spaces can each move their worker to a free action space.
The player whose worker occupies the 2nd position is first to move her worker. She takes her worker from the turn
order action space and moves it to a free action space of her choice (this can be one of her engineers). She then
performs the corresponding action.
Then, the player who placed his worker on the 1st space does the same, following the same rules.
When moving your worker, you must observe the following:
You may only move your worker to an action that
requires exactly 1 worker (i.e. you may not combine it with other workers, temporary workers, or roubles).
- If there are no better options, you can always use the bottom track extension action
Player board
- The 3 railroads Trans-Siberian, Petersburg and Kiev
- room for locomotives
- room for factories
- Industrialization
- room for the engineers
- 8 spaces for doublers
The spaces circled in red give you various advantages.
To get these advantages (shown below the space or next to it), you must first fulfill certain conditions.
Before acquiring the advantage that a space gives, you must always at least reach the space
with a track. Sometimes, a locomotive must also reach that space. The following pages present these special
spaces in two groups: those that do not require a locomotive and those that do.
Without a locomotive
On spaces, 2, 6, 10 and 15 of the Trans-Siberian, you get the tracks depicted below each space.
At space 15 you can immediately advance the white track up to 2 spaces.
When you reach the last space of a railroad with the
black track,you immediately score 10 points.
If you reach space 7 of the Kiev railroad with your black track, you get an extra worker. You may use this worker immediately and for the rest of the game.
On spaces, 2, 6 and 10 of the Trans-Siberian, you get the tracks depicted below each space, as
explained in section building tracks.
Space 15 allows you to get the white track. On top of that, you can immediately advance
it up to 2 spaces. You must follow the usual rules (only on empty spaces, no passing), otherwise you
lose the advancement(s) you cannot use.
When you reach the last space of a railroad with the
black track,you immediately score 10 points. A railroad may not be extended beyond the last illustrated space.
If you reach space 7 of the Kiev railroad with your black track, you immediately receive one
worker of your color from the general supply. You may use this worker immediately and for the rest of the game.
With a locomotive
If you reach space 3 of the Trans-Siberian with your brown track and a locomotive, you get an extra worker.
If you reach space 7 of the St.Petersburg railroad with your gray track and a locomotive, the value of every scored space of this railroad is doubled during the scoring phase.
If you reach spaces 1 through 4 or space 8 of the Kiev railroad with your black track and a locomotive, you score the points
depicted in the stars during future scoring phases.
If you reach space 13 of the Trans-Siberian, or spaces 4 or 6 of the St.Petersburg railroad with your
black track and a locomotive, you choose one of your 7
If you reach space 3 of the Trans-Siberian with your brown track and a locomotive, you
immediately receive one worker of your color from the general supply. You may use this worker immediately and for the rest of the game
- If you reach space 7 of the St.Petersburg railroad with your gray track and a locomotive, the value of every scored space of this railroad is doubled during the scoring phase.
If you reach spaces 1 through 4 or space 8 of the Kiev railroad with your black track and a locomotive, you score the points
depicted in the stars during future scoring phases. These points are cumulative. For example, if your track is on space 3 and you have a #3 locomotive (at least),
in each future scoring you will score 6 bonus points (1+2+3 points).
If you reach space 13 of the Trans-Siberian, or spaces 4 or 6 of the St.Petersburg railroad with your
black track and a locomotive, you choose one of your 7
tokens, apply its effect and then place that token in the dashed space with a .
This space may not be used again to receive another token.
Industry track
If you reach the space with your Industry marker, choose one of your
To receive this advantage, your Industry marker must reach this space on the industry track.
(There is no track or locomotive requirement for this space.) You then proceed as described
above for the spaces.
This space may not be used again to receive another token.
Scoring phase
At the end of each round the scoring phase take place.
Scoring the 3 railroads
Only spaces reached by a locomotive are scored.
Each track on a railroad can score points as shown in the upper right corner of the board.
Empty spaces behind a track count as being occupied by tracks of the same color.
Scoring the industrialization
The players score the points noted on the space on the industry track currently occupied
by your Industry marker. Spaces that do not show any points score the points of the first previous space showing points.
At the end of each round, once every player has passed and the turn order has been reorganized, the scoring phase happens.
These two elements on each player’s individual boards are scored:
- their 3 railroads
- their industrialization progress
Scoring the 3 railroads
- In principle, only spaces reached by a locomotive are scored.
- Each track on a railroad can score points. The value of each track is determined by its color, as shown in the upper right corner of the board.
- A track scores points for the space it occupies and all empty spaces behind it. These empty spaces count as being occupied by tracks of the same color (=virtual tracks).
Scoring the industrialization
In addition to your tracks, you also score the points noted on the space on the industry track currently occupied
by your Industry marker. Spaces that do not show any points (for example, the factories) are worth the same
amount of points as the first previous space worth points.
Preparing the next round
To be ready for the next round ...
- .. all players return their workers
- .. all engineers are moved 1 space to the right
(last round only).. the Last
Round marker is placed over the turn order action spaces
Once all players are done with their scoring, they must prepare the next round.
To be ready for the next round:
- All players must return their workers to their personal supply.
- All placed roubles are returned back in the general supply.
- Both turquoise workers are returned to the corresponding action space.
One player moves the engineers.
All engineers are moved 1 space to the right. If there is still an engineer on the hiring space, that engineer is
returned to the box. Engineers must always be light side up on the changing action spaces, otherwise they
should be dark side up. You will need to flip some engineers when you move them from one section to
the next.
Note: Each space under an engineer shows a number. This is the number of rounds left to play.
Finally, each player takes the Turn Order card corresponding to her new position in the
turn order. That card is placed number-side-up in front of them.
You are now ready for the next round!
Warning! This applies only for the last round:At the beginning of the last round (round 7 with 4 players), the Last
Round marker is placed over the turn order action spaces. During the last round, these actions are useless; this is why they are replaced
with a new action: 3 advancements on the industry track.
Game End
After the scoring phase at the end of round 7, a final scoring takes place, and then the game is over.
Players reveal their End Bonus cards End Bonus cards and score them.
The player with the most engineers scores 40 points. The player with the second most engineers scores 20 points. In case of a tie,
the tied players look at the numbers on their engineers; the player with the engineer that shows the highest number
wins the tie.
The game is over after the final scoring. The player with the most points is the winner.
In case of a tie, the tied players share the victory.
After the scoring phase at the end of round 7, a final scoring takes place, and then the game is over.
The final scoring consists of 2 parts:
End Bonus cards
Players reveal their End Bonus cards at this time.
Note: Usually, each player will end the game with one End Bonus card. However, it is possible, with the help of factories, to acquire more End Bonus cards. It is even possible for
a player to end the game without any End Bonus cards, but we strongly advise against this
End Bonus cards are presented here
Majority of Engineers
The player with the most engineers scores 40 points. The player with the second most engineers scores 20 points. In case of a tie,
the tied players look at the numbers on their engineers; the player with the engineer that shows the highest number
wins the tie.
Note: A player that does not have any engineers may not score these bonus points.
The game is over after the final scoring. The player with the most points is the winner.
In case of a tie, the tied players share the victory.
Playing with 2 players
Return 2 locomotives of each number to the box.
Use the side of the board reserved for 2-player games.
Place 3 A and 3 B engineers.
Each player begins the game with 6 workers instead of 5.
Each player begins the game with 2 roubles instead of 1.
The game lasts 6 rounds instead of 7.
A player may place a worker on his current turn order action space.
The board is two-sided, with one side reserved for
2-player games. The “blocked” actions are unavailable.
- Return 2 locomotives of each number to the box.
- There are only 6 engineers (3x A, 3x B) (as seen by the number of engineer spaces on the board)
Players take the 8 workers in their color. The remaining 16 workers (the other player colors) are returned to
the box and will not be used. Each player begins the game with 6 workers instead of 5
- Each player begins the game with 2 roubles instead of 1
- The game lasts 6 rounds.
- A player may place a worker on his current turn order action space.
Playing with 3 players
Return 1 locomotive of each number to the box.
Place 3 A and 3 B engineers.
Each player begins the game with 6 workers instead of 5.
The game lasts 6 rounds instead of 7.
- Return 1 locomotive of each number to the box.
- There are only 6 engineers (3x A, 3x B). The left-most engineer space remains empty.
Players take the 8 workers in their color. The remaining 16 workers (the other player colors) are returned to
the box and will not be used. Each player begins the game with 6 workers instead of 5.
Tactical hints
Pay attention to the track extension actions. It is important not to forget to
extend your more valuable tracks when possible.
Pay attention to the locomotives you build, and make sure that they reach the
special spaces (for example, a #2 locomotive on the St.Petersburg is not very useful).
- The changing action spaces (engineers) are very useful.
- Roubles are more flexible than temporary workers.
- You should aim to acquire at least 2
- Industrialization is worth a lot of points at the beginning. But fear not, extending your tracks will pay greatly by the end of the game

→ original rules (pdf)
German Railroads
German Railroads is an expansion for Russian Railroads and contains 4 modules you may freely combine.
But we strongly recommend that you begin by playing the Germany module without the Coal
module. Following that, combine the Coal module with the base game, then try combining both modules.
Regardless, these two modules should be enjoyed separately before being combined.
Setup and Game Play
Each player takes the Germany board in her color.
The main railroad München has a switch. You will have to decide in which direction you would like to build.
The other two other railroads have several areas
with dashed outline sin which you may place railroad extensions to design these
railroads as you see fit.
Instead of using the player boards included in the base game, the player takes the Germany board in their color.
Basic gameplay remains the same.
The main railroad (München) has a switch, beyond which lie two separate destinations. You will have to decide in which direction
(Hamburg or Berlin) you would like to build.
The other two other railroads (Dresden and Nürnberg-Fürth) have several areas
with dashed outlines, in which you may place railroad extensions to design these
railroads as you see fit.
Unlike the railroads in the base game, these
railroads are not yet fully "planned."
There are 3 ways you can influence the
development of your railroads.
The switch on the München railroad
To proceed past space 8 of the München railroad, you must decide whether you will build towards
Hamburg or Berlin.
The longer route towards Hamburg will earn you more points and
eventually grant you access to white tracks.
The shorter route to Berlin will allow you to reach
specific upgrades earlier.
To proceed past space 8 of the München railroad, you must decide whether you will build towards
Hamburg or Berlin.
On one hand, the longer route towards Hamburg will earn you more points and
eventually grant you access to white tracks.
On the other hand, taking the shorter route to Berlin will allow you to reach
specific upgrades earlier.
When advancing the black track to the space 9 of the München railroad, you
must decide to which space 9 you will advance, as it determines where further
advancements must be made. You may not change the destination of this
railroad for the rest of the game. You may not "reverse course" and the tracks of
other colors must also be advanced towards the same destination.
The railroad extensions
Whenever you advance the black track to a dashed
outlined area you must place a railroad extension with corresponding length inside this area.
Some areas of the Dresden and Nürnberg-Fürth railroads have dashed
outlines. There is an intermediate station located on the first space of each
of these areas. These intermediate stations are Hannover (on the Dresden railroad),
Würzburg and Frankfurt (on the Nürnberg-Fürth railroad).
Whenever you advance the black track on these railroads to one of these
intermediate stations, you must place a railroad extension at the corresponding
outlined area.
When doing so, you must observe the following rules:
You must choose and place one of the available railroad extensions that fits the corresponding outlined area
(2-space, 3-space, or 4-space) and immediately place a black track on the first space of this new extension.
- If you satisfy the conditions for a particular special space, you receive the depicted advantage.
Note: The sooner you advance to a particular intermediate station, the greater your selection will be when choosing the
corresponding railroad extension
Special spaces on the Germany board and railroad extensions
The Kiev medal, if acquired, is placed on space 5 of the Dresden railroad.
Immediate effects:
As soon as you satisfy the conditions for one of these
spaces, you immediately and only once receive the depicted advantage.
As soon as you satisfy the conditions for one of these spaces, immediately
take one of the income markers.
The Kiev medal, if acquired, is placed on space 5 of the Dresden railroad. Apart from this tiny
geographical variation, the rules regarding the Kiev medal remain the same.
Immediate effects: As soon as you satisfy the conditions for one of these
spaces, you immediately and only once receive the depicted advantage. These
advantages include: 2 industry advancements, 2 coins, or 1 locomotive/factory.
An additional industry marker: Once you advance a black track to this space,
you may take an additional industry marker and place it on space 0 of your
industry track. You may still
get your second industry marker with the
token, making it possible to have 3
industry markers on your industry track.
Income: As soon as you satisfy the conditions for one of these spaces, immediately
take one of the income markers and place it faceup next to your board.
If you satisfy the conditions for another one of these spaces, you simply take
another income marker.
You may use each of your income markers once per round (including the round
you acquire it) in order to receive the depicted advantage.
When using an income marker, you must observe the following rules:
- You may only use an income marker during your own turn, at which time you immediately receive the depicted advantage.
- You may use multiple income markers in the same turn.
- You may use an income marker before or after you have placed workers (or coins).
- You may even choose to use an income marker when you are unable to fully use its advantage.
You may not use income markers once you have passed, when you are relocating a worker on the turn order
track, or during scoring.
- Once you have used an income marker, flip it facedown.
- After the scoring phase, flip all income markers faceup.
The natural colored tracks
The natural tracks basically may be used on all three railroads of the Germany board. But you may only build the natural tracks on two railroads of your choice.
The natural tracks may be used on all three railroads of the Germany board. However, as in the base game, you
only have 2 of these tracks to use. Therefore, you must decide on which railroads you wish to advance these natural
1 Coal board
1 blockade
25 coal wagons
1 new Starting Bonus card
What follows is a description of the setup for a
4-player game. Changes for playing with 2 or 3 players are described later.
The coal board is placed on the game board.
Shuffle the 12 foundries and place 2 of them faceup next to the game board.
You will play 1 fewer round when using the Coal module (place 1 blockade on an engineer space).
Each player gets 1 coal and 1 extra coin.
We recommend using the Mining engineer, the tokens with 4 coal and the
card with the coal factory.
The online implementation will add those components automatically if the coal module is chosen.
Add the new starting bonus card to the others.
Place the Coal board on the game board, with the side featuring 3 action spaces faceup.
Shuffle the 12 foundries and place them as a facedown supply near the board. The back of these tiles depict a
boilerman. Then draw two foundries and place them faceup next to the facedown supply.
You will play 1 fewer round when using the Coal module (place 1 blockade on an engineer space).
Because of this, you will place 1 fewer A engineer than in the base game.
Each player starts with the same components as they do in the base game, as well as 1 coal
and 1 additional coin.
If you wish to use the new components, set them up now. We recommend using the Mining engineer, the
tokens with 4 coal and the
card with the coal factory. The online implementation will add those components automatically if the coal module is chosen.
Shuffle the new Starting Bonus card with the others. You now have another Starting Bonus card to choose
from. A player choosing this new card receives 1 additional coal.
Changes for the 2 player game
Place the coal board on the game board, with the side featuring
2 action spaces faceup (a combined action space and a normal action space).
The combined action space means that only one of these actions
may be performed in a given round. A player may place 1 worker here (to take 1 coal) or
place 1 coin (to take 1 foundry and 1 coal). Once a player has performed one of these two actions, the action space is then unavailable for
the rest of the round.
The game will last only 5 rounds. Place only 2 A and 3 B engineers.
- The 2-player rules from the base game are otherwise the same.
Changes for the 3 player game
The game will last only 5 rounds. Place only 2 A and 3 B engineers.
- The 3-player rules from the base game are otherwise the same.
How do I get coal?
You begin the game with 1 coal. By performing actions with the coal wagon symbol, you can
gain additional coal.
You begin the game with 1 coal. By performing actions with the coal wagon symbol, you can
gain additional coal. Coal gained in this way is taken from the general supply and placed in your personal supply,
where it is stored until you use it.
There is no limit to how much coal you can collect in this way.
How can I use my coal?
There are action spaces that require coal to be used instead of workers.
Please observe the following when using these action spaces:
- You may use these action spaces in addition to a regular action.
- You may use these action spaces before or after you place a worker.
- You may choose to use several of these action spaces on the same turn.
- You may use coal on the same turn you acquire it.
- As usual, you may only use unoccupied action spaces
You may not use these action spaces once you have passed, when you are relocating a worker on the turn
order track, or during scoring.
- After the scoring phase, return all coal on these action spaces to the general supply.
The action spaces in detail
The boilerman
If you use the lower action on the coal board take a boilerman
and place it next to
one of your locomotives or factories.
Adding a boilerman to a locomotive
The boilerman increases the power of the locomotive by 1, meaning that you can reach 1
space further on the corresponding railroad. If doing so satisfies the condition of a special
space on your board, you gain the advantage immediately.
Each locomotive may only have 1 boilerman.
Adding a boilerman to a locomotive is permanent. If you return
a locomotive with a boilerman to the supply, the boilerman is removed from the game.
Adding a boilerman to a factory
When you move an industry marker to a factory manned by a boilerman, you perform
an improved version of that action:
Factories with 1 ability: Immediately use the factory a second time.
Factories with 2 or more abilities: Use one of the abilities a second time.
Point scoring factories: Score (only) 1 additional point.
Each factory may only have 1 boilerman
Adding a boilerman to a factory is permanent. If you return
a factory with a boilerman to the supply, the boilerman is removed from the game.
To use the lower action on the coal board, you must use 2 coal from your personal supply. Take
the top tile of the facedown foundry supply and place it as a boilerman
( side up) next to
one of your locomotives or factories.
What happens when I add a boilerman to my locomotive?
The boilerman increases the power of the locomotive by 1, meaning that you can reach 1
space further on the corresponding railroad. If doing so satisfies the condition of a special
space on your board, you gain the advantage immediately. For all intents and purposes,
this locomotive's actual number is now 1 higher than its printed value.
Each locomotive may only have 1 boilerman.
Adding a boilerman to a locomotive is permanent. You may not move a boilerman to a different locomotive or
factory. If you move such a locomotive to a different railroad, the boilerman moves along with it. If you return
a locomotive with a boilerman to the supply, the boilerman is removed from the game.
What happens when I add a boilerman to a factory?
When you move an industry marker to a factory manned by a boilerman, you perform
an improved version of that action.
Depending on the ability of the factory, this can have different effects:
Factories with 1 ability: Immediately use the factory a second time.
Factories with 2 or more abilities: Use one of the abilities a second time.
Point scoring factories: Score (only) 1 additional point.
You are not required to use the effect of a factory manned by a boilerman in full.
Each factory may only have 1 boilerman.
As with the locomotive, the boilerman becomes a permanent part of the factory. You may not move a boilerman
to a different locomotive or factory. If you return a factory with a boilerman to the supply, the boilerman is
removed from the game.
The foundries
You may use your foundries once per round, even if cannot perform its effect in full.
You may choose to close a foundry immediately after using it. To do so flip the foundry and place
it as a boilerman next to a locomotive or factory.
The appendix contains an overview of available foundries.
You may use each of the foundries you have collected once per round. To use a foundry, you
must place 2 coal from your personal supply. You may use a foundry
even when you cannot perform its effect in full.
Important: You may not use the faceup foundries in the general supply.
Closing a foundry:
You may choose to close a foundry immediately after using it. Doing so allows you to flip the foundry and place
it as a boilerman next to a locomotive or factory. Return the coal on the used foundry to the
general supply. You may never choose to reopen this foundry. Its action is now lost.
Important: You can only choose to close a foundry immediately after using it.
The appendix contains an overview of available foundries.
The coal factory
The third way to use coal is at the coal factory, which can be acquired by taking the new
card. This factory depicts an action that may be used whenever you activate it.
For a detailed description of the coal factory see appendix.
New Game Components
The token 4 coins and the
card with the new revaluation is mandatory when using player board for Germany, otherwise it is optional .
You may use the new engineers in all of your games.
The coal engineer, the token 4 coal and the
card coal factory may only be used when playing with the coal module.
Solo Variant
You want to play, but all of your friends are at work? The Yucata server is down? Are you just looking for a
challenge? Let us introduce you to your new friend, Emil (who is also bored)
Set the game up as you would for 2 players.
Cover the action space 2 coins.
Take 5 coins instead of just one.
You will not need the Last Round marker, the Turn Order cards, or the Starting Bonus cards.
Emil begins with a supply of 6 workers.
Set the game up as you
would for 2 players.
Cover the Take 2 coins action with a blockade. This space is not available in the solo game.
You will not need the Last Round marker, the Turn Order cards, or the Starting Bonus cards.
They can be put back in the box.
Take 5 coins instead of just one. You also will not need the pawn
for the turn order track, as the turn order track serves no purpose in the solo game.
Emil, your opponent, is represented by a deck of cards.
Emil begins with a supply of 6 workers. Place his 2 remaining workers next to the 50 space of the score track.
Emil does not require any other components.
Game sequence
The number of rounds corresponds to a 2-player game.
Emil begins the game. At the beginning of each of his turn, draw a card from Emil's deck.
Place the appropriate number of Emil's workers on the depicted action space.
Special cases when executing Emil's cards:
If an action requires coins Emil just takes the coin from the supply.
If Emil has not enough workers left for an action or the action space is already occupied, just draw the next card from Emil's deck
Emil also skips track actions concerning track colors you have not yet unlocked.
Emil takes locomotives and factories. He always takes them from the locomotive supply.
Emil hires engineers. They will count when calculating the majority of engineers during the end scoring phase.
If Emil's card shows the coal action space, Emil places one of his workers. This card is used only when playing with the coal module.
If there are no cards left in Emil's deck or if he ran out of workers at the beginning of his turn, he must pass.
As soon as you reach a score of 50+ points, Emil gets an extra worker and another one as soon as you reach 150+ points.
Emil may use this worker immediately.
Just as you would in the 2 player game, you will play 6 rounds (5 rounds if you're using the Coal module).
However, you will actually be playing this game on your own. Emil doesn't care about scoring points.
He's only here to get in your way.
Emil begins the game. At the beginning of each of his turn, draw a card from Emil's deck. Each of his cards
depicts one of the action spaces on the game board, which Emil will occupy and prevent you from using. Place the appropriate number of Emil's workers on the
depicted action space. Emil doesn't actually perform the action. He thinks performing actions is boring. (Exception: taking locomotives and engineers; see below.)
You may now discard the drawn card and take your turn.
There are some special cases when executing Emil's cards:
Emil's card depicts an action requiring coins: This doesn't bother Emil at all. Emil is anti-capitalist. When you draw either the
"Get 2 track advancements of your choice" or the "Hire an engineer" card, Emil
takes the necessary coins from the supply to place on the corresponding space.
The worker required for the "Advance 2 tracks of your choice" space is taken
from Emil's worker supply, as normal.
Emil doesn't have enough workers: When you draw a card that Emil does not have enough workers to use, you
simply discard it and draw another. Emil will not be able to block this space. You
must continue drawing cards until Emil is able to block the space depicted on a
drawn card, or until Emil's deck is exhausted.
The action space on Emil's card is occupied: If there is already a worker on the the action space depicted on Emil's card,
simply discard the card and draw another (and so on, as required).
Emil only blocks spaces that you can use:
When you draw a card that depicts an
action space that you cannot use
(i.e. a track action that you have not yet unlocked the track color), simply
discard the card and draw another (and so on, as required).
Emil will only bother
himself with blocking spaces that you can use.
Emil collects locomotives and engineers:
When Emil uses an action space that gives him a locomotive or an engineer,
place the corresponding component in front of him. If there are no locomotives
remaining in the supply, Emil takes the factory with the lowest number.
Locomotives and factories taken by Emil are simply gone, they have no further
effect in the game. The engineers collected by Emil are only used when determined engineer majority at game end.
The light side up engineer:
When you draw this card, Emil must place a worker on the light side up
engineer's action space.
The coal action space:
This card should only be used when using the
Otherwise, remove
it from Emil's deck. Emil always places a worker on this action space; never a
coin. Emil does not collect coal.
Emil must eventually pass
If there are no cards left in Emil's deck
at the beginning of his turn, or if he
has no remaining workers left in his supply, he must pass. You may now take as
many consecutive turns as you would like and are able to perform.
Emil gets a new toy
As soon as you reach a score of 50+ points, take 1 of the workers next to the
50 space of the score track and add it to Emil’s worker supply. Emil now has
workers. As soon as you reach a score of 150+ points, add the other worker to
Emil’s supply. This will usually happen during the scoring phase. If this happens
during a round, and Emil has not yet passed, he may use the new worker in the
current round.
Your turn
Once Emil has blocked an action space, it is your turn.
Once you have completed your turn, draw a card from Emil's deck.
You and Emil will alternate turns in this way
until you choose to pass.
After that the round ends and the scoring phase is performed as usual.
Shuffle all of Emil's cards to prepare his deck for the following round.
Once Emil has blocked an action space, it is your turn. Unlike Emil, you're playing to win! As usual, you choose an
action space, place the required workers (or coins), and perform the action.
Once you have completed your turn, draw a card from Emil's deck.
You and Emil will alternate turns in this way
until you choose to pass.
Once you have passed, the round ends and the scoring phase is performed as usual.
(Emil will take this opportunity to take a walk. He doesn't score any points; not that he cares.)
After the scoring phase is complete, return all the placed workers to your and Emil's personal supplies. Shuffle all
of Emil's cards to prepare his deck for the following round.
Game end
After the last scoring phase the game end scoring takes place.
When determining engineer majority, you must consider Emil's collection.
Your goal is to score as many points as you can
After the 6th round, the game ends (after the 5th round if using the Coal module). Proceed with the last scoring
phase and finally game end scoring. You will only need to count your own points (again, Emil doesn't care).
However, when determining engineer majority, you must consider Emil's collection. If Emil collected more
engineers than you, you only score points for 2nd place.
Your goal is to score as many points as you can – and then to score even more next time.

→ original rules (pdf, bilingual)
Additional components
4 USA boards (1 in each player color)
8 octagonal boulder tokens (2 per player)
4 tiles “Golden Spike“ (1 per player)
12 “Done” markers (3 per player)
1 Stocks board
4 Stock price markers (1 in each player color)
3 Steelworks
Each player places the stock price marker in
their color on the bottom of the stocks board.
Place each of the
steelworks right next to its corresponding
locomotive pile
Each player places his 2 boulder tokens on the marked spaces of his player board. As long as the boulder token is laying there, you
may not advance a track or industry marker onto
the space or beyond it.
You start the game with both industry
markers from the base game. Place one
of each on each of the “0” - spaces of the
two industry tracks.
Place the stocks board next to the game
board so that it is visible to all players. Each player places the stock price marker in
their color on the bottom of the stocks board.
Place each of the
steelworks right next to its corresponding
locomotive pile that is pictured on the front
of the steelworks.
Each player places the boulder token showing the number 8 on space number 8
on the bottom track and the boulder token showing the number 15 on
the space of the industry track with the white outline and 15 points.
As long as the boulder token is laying there, you
may not advance a track or industry marker onto
the space or beyond it.
You start the game with both industry
markers from the base game. Place one
of each on each of the “0” - spaces of the
two industry tracks.
The token for the second industry marker is
not used in this game.
Player board - The Rocky Mountaineer
The main track is treated the
same as in the base game
except for a few new
advantages which we will
explain below.
When you fulfill the prerequisites for one of these two
spaces, you remove one of
the two boulder tokens immediately and place it back
in the box. You score 10 points immediately.
You will be able to advance a track or an industry
marker onto the “freed” space as usual later.
Special spaces depicting coins
As soon as you meet the requirements of one of that space you
may pay a coin and receive the depicted
advantage. You may do this in a later turn.
After you have paid the coin you place one of your 3 “Done”
markers onto the symbol of the advantage. You may only receive each advantage
3 spaces on the player board show – next
to a track in a certain color – a coin as
additional prerequisite.
As soon as you reach one of these spaces
with the track in the color shown, you
may pay a coin and receive the depicted
advantage. You may do this in a later turn.
After you have paid the coin and have received
the advantage, you place one of your 3 “Done”-
markers onto the symbol of the advantage
to show that you have already received it. As
usual, you may only receive each advantage
Transcontinental East and West
Each of the two shorter tracks
represents one part of this railroad.
This does not mean that
the two tracks are connected. The
Transcontinental East ends on space
7, the Transcontinental West on space
When you fulfill the conditions of the last space
for one of the two tracks you receive 10 additional
points during each railroad scoring phase.
When you fulfill the conditions of the last space
for both tracks you also receive the advantage
Building of the Transcontinental Railroad was
started at the same time in the east and the west
to meet in Utah. Where the two tracks joined, the
“Golden Spike” was driven in.
Each of the two shorter tracks
represents one part of this railroad.
Attention: this does not mean that
the two tracks are connected. The
Transcontinental East ends on space
7, the Transcontinental West on space
9. The black track cannot be moved
beyond these spaces.
The space where the two tracks meet has a dashed
outline and a +10 points advantage.
When you fulfill the conditions of the last space
for one of the two tracks you receive 10 additional
points during each railroad scoring phase.
When you fulfill the conditions of the last space
for both tracks you also receive the advantage
Golden Spike
When you choose the token “Golden Spike“ , you place the token within the dashed
outline. You will then gain the additional
advantage of +25 points during the railroad
scoring phase for each of the two spaces for
which you fulfill the conditions.
Track colors
You may build tracks of all colors on
all the railroads on the USA board.
You only have – like in the base game
– 2 natural colored tracks and 1 white colored
track available though. Thus you will have to
choose on which railroads you want to build the
natural colored tracks.
The Transcontinental East and West
railroads show 3 dashed spaces for
doublers where you may place doublers,
just like on the main railroad.
Industry tracks
The USA board has two industry tracks.
Advancements on the industry track can be made
with an industry marker of choice and also split
freely between both tracks. The industry track on
the bottom has the same rules as the base game.
On the top industry track you may advance onto
gaps and even skip them. Instead of
advancing onto the factory as usual
you move the industry marker onto
the space above the gap. If the gap
is occupied by a factory, you have to
use the function of the factory
immediately. Is the gap not
occupied yet, nothing happens.
Attention: should you place a
factory in a gap with a factory
marker above it, you may not use
the factory because the industry marker has
reached it before the factory was placed.
Each industry marker belongs to its own track.
You may not “change tracks”.
Stock market
Stocks advancement
Each time you fulfill the prerequisite for a
space with , you advance your
stock price marker one level up.
When you are the first player to
reach a new level, you move your stock
price marker to the very left. Then you
choose one of the displayed dividend tokens and place it on this level onto the
space showing the white star. Then you
may receive the advantage this token
shows immediately.
Should you reach a level where stock price
markers from one or more players have been
placed already, you place your stock price marker to the right of those. Then you may receive the
advantage of the dividend token of this level.
If you are on the top level
already and receive a further advancement
on the stock market, you leave your stock
price marker in place. Instead you receive a
personal payout immediately.
Personal Payout
You receive the advantages of the level
where your stock price marker is and of
all the levels below it. You may use them
in any order and also decline to receive an advantage in parts or entirely.
The Token
Should you choose this token you first
advance your stock price marker one level up and
receive the advantage of the new level.
Additionally you receive a personal payout.
When you take the last locomotive from a
pile next to a steelworks, you also take the
steelworks. You may flip the steelworks and place
it like a regular factory in a gap in your
industry track. Also, you may place it back
in the box. In that case proceed with your
turn as usual.
The steelworks is a slightly weaker factory.
When you advance an industry marker onto the
steelworks you then receive one black track
When you build a new factory, you may
replace the steelworks with the new factory, even if
not all 5 gaps of your industry track are filled yet.
The steelworks is placed back in the box.
After you finish your turn, perform a general payout.
General Payout
The player who took the steelworks goes first.
They receive the same advantages they have
already reached, just like for the personal
After, all other players follow in turn order and
receive all advantages they have reached with their
stock price marker so far.
Game end Bonus
The player whose stock price marker is at
the top of the board scores 20 points. The
player in second place scores 10 points.
In case of a tie, the player whose stock
price marker is farther to the left scores
the points.
Mini Expansion DSP
This mini expansion was published on the occasion of awarding the 1st place of "Deutschen Spielepreises 2014" to Russian Railroads.
Starting Bonus cards
Get 1 black track advancement.
Get 1 industry advancement.
Place 1 doubler above the Trans-Siberian.
Take 1 extra coal (only when playing with the coal module).
7 Tokens
Place your second Industry marker on space 0 of the Industry track. From now on, whenever you get an industry advancement,
you may choose which marker to move. If you get an industry advancement of more than one space, you may split it amongst your two
markers. Both markers may never occupy the same space. During the scoring phases, both markers are scored.
When your 2nd marker moves onto a factory, you benefit from it a second time. You may not use the  space a second time.
Choose one of the  cards and apply its effect immediately. Afterward, return the card
to the box, it will not be used again during this game. Then, you may look through the End Bonus card pile and take the card of your choice. Keep it face
down in front of you; it will allow you to score many points at the end of the game.
Get 5 industry advancements.
Place 3 doublers above the Trans-Siberian.
Get 4 advancements to use with the tracks of your choice. You must use them with tracks you currently have. If you acquire new
tracks while using this token, you may move these tracks immediately (even with this token).
Place the Kiev Medal under space 5 of the KIEV railway. In each following scoring, if you reached space 5 with the gray track and a locomotive, you score an additional 20 points.
Place your Revaluation token at the topright corner of your player board. From now on, your brown, natural and white tracks are
worth more points.
German Railroads: new Tokens
Take 4 coins from the supply. Use this token
no matter which modules you choose to use.
Take 4 coal from the supply. Only use this
token when playing with the
The double-sided token and the 5 public token
from DSP expansion
If the player chooses the double-sided  token, he chooses one of the public
 tokens and place it on the  space.
The double-sided  token is removed.
The player chooses one of the engineers not being chosen at the beginning of the game. He has to take care not to choose an engineer whose
number already shows up in the game.
From now on the player may double his industry steps. He may choose to omit them in whole or in part. He may not double industry steps
received by  tokens and  cards.
German Railroads: industry steps provided by the player board or income tokens are doubled.
The player gets 3 industry steps and 3 steps with a black track.
If a player chooses this  token he takes the
 factory and builds it according to the rules for building factories.
When his marker moves onto that factory he gets 2 of his  tokens,
perform their actions and put them on the factory.
Like the  space of the industry track the  factory
may not be used again when reaching it with another industry marker.
With an additional stoker the player gets an extra  ;
If a player chooses this  token he takes the token
 and places it behind locomotives
with a cumulative value of at least 3. The freight car doesn't occupy a locomotive space.
From now on the freight car is activated each round before the scoring takes place. The player then gets two steps with
any rails on the track with the freight car.
5 Cards
Take the engineer and the rouble from this card.
Place the engineer near your player board, where appropriate, and place the rouble in front of your personal supply. Both are
available immediately.
Build a factory. You also get 2 industry advancements to use immediately
Take the black worker. This gives you an extra worker for the rest of the game.
Furthermore, each time you use the black worker on an action space that grants at least 1 black rail advancement, you get an
extra black rail advancement.
Take the #9 locomotive from this card and immediately place it on one of
your railroads. As usual, you can replace a locomotive with this one, and any
advantage acquired by placing this locomotive is applied immediately.
Perform 4 actions:
* place 1 doubler,
* get 1 industry advancement, and
* get 1 black rail advancement.
Perform 1 of these 3 actions a second
German Railroads: new Cards
Place the new revaluation token on this card during setup. If you choose this card, place the revaluation token on
your player board. You may not combine this revaluation marker with a revaluation marker
from the base game. Use this card no matter which modules you choose to use.
Place the coal factory and 2 coal on this card during setup. If you choose this card, take the coal into your personal supply and
add the industry to your industry track like any other factory. Only use this card when playing with the Coal module.
Immediately score the sum of your engineers (the sum of their numbers).
Build a locomotive or a factory.
Choose an action space with one (and only one) worker of your color and use that action again
Place 2 doublers above your Trans-Siberian.
Get 1 industry advancement.
Take 1 rouble from the supply and place it in front of you.
Get 2 track advancements of your choice.
Score the sum of your best two locomotives.
Choose one End Bonus card or immediately score 10 points.
The coal factory included in the coal module of the 1st expansion
When you advance an industry marker to the coal factory, you get 2 black track advancements.
Whenever you use the coal factory, you may spend up to 3 coal from your personal supply. You get
2 black track advancements for each coal you spend.
Therefore, you may advance up to 8 spaces with black tracks each time you use this factory.
You may also choose to spend no coal when using this factory, in which case you only get
2 black track advancements.
You can use the coal factory again by advancing another industry marker onto it, or by using
the 2 person engineer.
Engineer 1
You get 2 track advancements of your choice.
Engineer 2
You get 1 industry advancement and immediately score 3 points.
Engineer 3
You get 1 black track advancement and 1 gray track advancement.
Engineer 4
You place 1 doubler above your Trans-Siberian and immediately score 3 points.
Engineer 5
You get 1 track advancement of your choice and immediately score 3 points.
Engineer 6
You get 1 gray track advancement and immediately score 5 points.
Engineer 7
You get 1 black track advancement and immediately score 3 points.
Engineer 8
You choose an action space with one (and only one) worker of your color and use that action again.
Engineer 9
You get 2 industry advancements.
Engineer 10
You get 1 industry advancement and 1 black track advancement.
Engineer 11
You get 1 track advancement of your choice and 1 black track advancement.
Engineer 12
You get to build 1 locomotive or 1 factory.
Engineer 13
You get 1 gray track advancement and 1 brown track advancement.
Engineer 14
You get 2 black track advancements.
Engineer 15
You get 1 brown track advancement and immediately score 5 points.
German Railroads: new Engineers
Engineer 6
Get 3 gray track advancements.
Engineer 15
To use this engineer, you must
place 1 coin. Get 1 black, 1 gray,
and 1 brown track advancement.
Engineer 5
Draw 2 Starting Bonus cards at
random and gain the depicted
Engineer -10
To use this engineer, you must
place 2 workers. Immediately use
the ability of one of your factories,
as though you had just moved an industry marker
there (it does not matter where your industry
marker actually is).
Note the
on this engineer. You must
count this engineer when using factory #1,
which means that you will get 10 fewer points than normal (but never negative points).
Engineer 0
Take 2 coal from the supply. Only
use this engineer when playing
with the Coal module.
DSP: new Engineers
Engineer 4 (Olga)
The player has to place another worker on a foreign vacant engineer and perform the action of that engineer. This engineer is
then occupied.
It's recommended to use Olga in 2-player games. If you want to use that engineer in games with 3 or 4 players you have to do it on your own risk.
Engineer 7 (Ludmilla)
The player scores 5 victory points.
He furthermore takes the start bonus cards and chooses one of them. After that he gives the remaining cards to the next player in turn order who chooses one of the cards, too.
This continues until every player has chosen one card or 3 victory points. Each player gets the advantage of his choice at once.
Engineer 11 (Dimitrij)
The player advances the gray track on one railroad just behind the black track.
Engineer 14 (Pjotr)
To use this engineer the player has to use a coin.
He gets 3 steps with the black tracks.
10 End Bonus cards
During the final scoring, add the numbers on your locomotives and score that many points.
During the final scoring, score 4 points per factory in your industry track (max. 20 points).
During the final scoring, score 10 points per completed railroad (max. 30 points).
During the final scoring, score 15 points.
During the final scoring, score 20 points if you have 4, 5, or 6 doublers above the Trans-Siberian.
If you have 7 or 8 doublers, score 30 points.
During the final scoring, this card counts as an additional engineer when determining the player with the most engineers.
During the final scoring, score 6 points per hired engineer. (The engineer from the End Bonus card, seen above, does not count for this.)
During the final scoring, score 10 points per extra worker you acquired during the game. This includes
both extra workers of your color and the black worker (max. 30 points).
During the final scoring, score 7 points per  token on your
board (max. 28 points, German Railroads max. 35 points, DSP max. 42 points).
During the final scoring, score the sum of the 3 spaces reached by your black tracks.
German Railroads: Income Tokens
Take 1 coin from
1 industry
1 track advancement
your choice.
1 black track advancement and
gray track advancement.
1 gray track advancement and
brown track advancement.
The foundries included in the coal module of the 1st Expansion
Get 1 black track advancement, 1 track advancement of your choice, and take 1 coin.
Take 2 coins from the supply.
Get 2 industry marker advancements and place 1 doubler.
Get 1 track advancement of your choice and place 1 doubler.
Get 1 black track advancement, 1 industry marker advancement, and place 1 doubler.
Get 1 industry marker advancement and score points equal to the number of your highest numbered locomotive.
Get 1 black track advancement and build 1 locomotive or 1 factory.
Get 1 track advancement of your choice and score points equal to the number of your highest numbered locomotive.
Get 2 track advancements of your choice.
Get 2 black track advancements and 1 industry marker advancement.
Get 2 black track advancements and build a factory. Choose an available factory or the lowest numbered
locomotive, which must be built as a factory.
Choose an action space on which you have placed 1 or 2 workers in this round and perform its action. It does not matter if one
of the workers has been replaced by a coin. However, you may not use an action space
that requires a coin to use.
Obligatory actions listed in the list of open actions are marked with an exclamation mark.
During worker placement all action spaces with actions the player can currently perform are marked with a red border. Action spaces with actions the player
cannot perform right now are nevertheless clickable. But keep in mind that you have to perform all obligatory actions otherwise you won't be allowed to finish
your move.
No matter whether workers or coins are used for an action there will always be workers displayed on the board.
If you are interested in the detailed 'payment' for an action just have a look at the game log.
Since coins are very much like higher valued workers, an action will be automatically 'paid' with workers using coins only when there are not enough
workers left.
To use the black worker you have to click on it before choosing the action space.
The number in parentheses behind the points of a player indicates the current 'value' of his player board.
Clicking on that number will open a dialog with a detailed summary of that points (not available during replay).
If you hover over or click on the number of workers of a player you will get a hint, how many workers are available for this player (basic + additional).
The range of the locomotive(s) of a railroad is depicted with small green dots.
Since you may only close a foundry you just have used, foundry actions are treated special. If you use a foundry all currently open actions
will be postponed. After you performed the foundry actions and decided whether to close the foundry or not you will gain control over those actions
If you play using the DSP expansion and randomly selected engineers, Olga will not be part of the selection if playing
with more than 2 players.
If you use Ludmilla (DSP expansion), your move will be interrupted. As soon as all players have chosen their bonus provided by Ludmilla your move
will be continued if there were open actions left. This may be the case when using Ludmilla with factory 3.
Possible settings:
show animations: device dependent, standard: checked
When a player makes his move the actions will be animated. But using coins will be animated in any case to make sure the player notices that he is using coins instead of workers.
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