Game Idea
Develop your own civilization in less an hour.
Retain workers to build cities and monuments.
Collect goods, and convert them into cultural and scientific developments.
But do not forget to procure enough food to feed your growing population!
If you manage to build the most advanced civilization and to avoid impending disasters, you will win at the end of game.
Components on
You start with 3 points on your food bar.
At the beginning of the game you have no goods (wood, stone, ceramic, fabric and spearhead).
The start player is determined randomly. The first player can be recognized
by the S mark of the player's color.
The Hanging Gardens is not used in the 3-player game.
In a 2-player game the Temple and the Great Pyramid are not used.
Order of Play
The game takes place over a series of rounds.
Each round, every player takes a turn. When all players have had a turn, the round is over and the next round begins.
A player may do all of the following phases, if possible (and/or as dictated by the dice roll):

1) Roll Dice
2) Decide 2 Food or 2 Workers
3a) Collect goods (automatic)
3b) Collect food (automatic)
3c) Feed cities (automatic)
3d) Resolve disasters (automatic)
4) Set workers to build cities and/or monuments
5) Buy no more than one development
6) Discard goods in excess of six
You have to finish each phase by clicking on the button

1) Roll Dice

Roll 1 die for each city in your possession. Players start with 3 cities.

Throughout the game you can build more cities and thus increase the number of dice.
1 Good | 3 Food |
2 Goods and 1 Skull | 2 Food or 2 Workers |
7 Coins | 3 Workers |
You can roll the dice up to 3 times. The first roll is carried out automatically. You can see the remaining rolls:

You can keep or re-roll as many dice as you want. You have to click on the button
to roll the dice.
You may re-roll any of the dice (including the ones you kept from another roll) that do not have skulls on them.
It is not allowed to re-roll dice with skulls!
After the third roll, you must keep the results of all of your dice.
Example: You roll 3 dice. Your first roll shows
. You keep a
die aside to collect food, and you re-roll the remaining 2 dice. This time the result is
. You can't re-roll the
die, so you put the die aside. Also you want to keep the
. But you want to re-roll the
. After the third (and last) roll the die shows
. Your final result is:
2) Decide 2 Food or 2 Worker

If you have collected one or more
after the last roll,
you have to decide for each die, whether you want to take 2 food or 2 workers.
 No decision taken. |
 2 Food |
 2 Workers |
Click on the die to toggle between the possibilities.
3a) Collect Goods (automatic)

For each symbol
you get 2 goods. For each symbol
you get 1 good. Skulls
will be followed by a disaster,
which you handle in phase 3d.
The first good you collect in a turn is wood.
The second good is stone, followed by ceramic, fabric and spearhead.
On you get the goods automatically.
You get the goods starting from the bottom row (wood), proceeding upwards to.
If you earn more than 5 goods this turn, the next good starts from the bottom row again.
Is no space left in a row, you do not collect the excess good.
For the result from the example above (
you collect 3 goods:
One wood, one stone and one ceramic.
3b) Collect Food (automatic)
For each symbol
you collect 3 food.
For each symbol
you collect 2 food or 2 workers.
(If you decide to take 2 workers, you can use them in phase 4.)
You can collect a maximum of 15 food. Surplus food symbols expire.
Example: In another turn your result is
You decide to take food instead of workers. Altogether you collect 5 food.
3c) Feed cities (automatic)
Each city (each die rolled) requires 1 food.
The needed food will be subtracted after the last roll automatically.
If you don't have enough food, each city that is not fed suffers famine and costs you 1 point per unfed city.
The color of a city indicates whether you have enough food
 City fed |
 City not fed |
Example: You own 3 cities, so you must pay 3 food.
In another turn you own 5 cities already, but you only have 2 food left. So 3 food are missing.
You pay 2 food and 3 points for the missing food.
3d) Resolve Disasters (automatic)
If a player's dice show more than 1 skull, a disaster will occur.
The effect of a disaster depends on the number of skulls:
 | No effect. |
  | Drought - Lose 2 points. |
| Pestilence - Your opponents lose 3 points. |
 | Invasion - Lose 4 points. |
+ | Revolt - Lose all your goods. |
Example: Your dice result shows 2 skulls.
You are affected by a drought and you lose 2 points.
4) Build Cities and/or Monuments

For each symbol
you collect 3 workers. For each symbol
you collect 2 workers,
if you didn't take food in phase 2.
For each worker you can check off a box in a city or a monument.
Click on
, to use a worker for a free place.
Once you've checked off all the boxes in a city you've built it.
You will now begin your turn with one more die per turn.
You can build up to 4 new cities (for a total of 7 cities) giving you a maximum of 7 dice per turn.
Cities | Workers |
4th city | 3 Workers |
5th city | 4 Workers |
6th city | 5 Workers |
7th city | 6 Workers |
If you're the first player to check off all the boxes for a given monument,
you will get the larger number of points next to the monument.
If one player has finished a monument, the larger number will be displayed with a grey color.
Any players who later complete that monument will only get the smaller value.
Monument | Workers | First | Second | Exception |
Step Pyramid | 3 Workers | 1 Point | 0 Points | |
Stone Circle | 5 Workers | 2 Points | 1 Point | |
Temple | 7 Workers | 4 Points | 2 Points | not in a 2-player game |
Obelisk | 9 Workers | 6 Points | 3 Points | |
Hanging Gardens | 11 Workers | 8 Points | 4 Points | not in a 3-player game |
Great Wall | 13 Workers | 10 Points | 5 Points | |
Great Pyramid | 15 Workers | 12 Points | 6 Points | not in a 2-player game |
Incomplete monuments are worth nothing at the end of the game.
Example: The result of a dice roll:
. For one symbol
you have taken food.
You receive 5 workers.
In earlier turns you have checked off 7 of 9 boxes in the obelisk.
Now you check off the last two boxes and finish the monument.
Before your turn another player finished the obelisk. He got 6 points.
You get only 3 points.
You have used 2 workers so far; 3 workers still remain.
You use them for your 4th city.
On your next turn you have 4 dice.
5) Buy a Development

You may purchase up to 1 development per turn by spending coins and goods equal to (or
greater than) its cost.
For each symbol
you get 7 coins.
You can't save coins for a next turn. You can spend them only in the current turn. Unspent coins will be discarded.
You can change goods to money to pay a development.
The goods marker shows the actual value.
If you spend a type of goods, you must spend all of that type of goods.
No change is given: So any excess value is lost..
Cost | Development | Points | Effect |
10 Coins | Leadership | 2 Points | Re-roll one die |
10 Coins | Irrigation | 2 Points | Drought has no effect |
15 Coins | Agriculture | 3 Points | +1 Food/Food die |
15 Coins | Quarrying | 3 Points | +1 Stone when producing Stone |
15 Coins | Medicine | 3 Points | Pestilence has no effect |
20 Coins | Coinage | 4 Points | 1 Money Die = 12 Coins |
20 Coins | Caravans | 4 Points | No goods limit |
20 Coins | Religion | 6 Points | Revolt effects opponents |
30 Coins | Granaries | 6 Points | Change Food to 4 coins |
30 Coins | Masonry | 6 Points | +1 Worker/Worker Die |
40 Coins | Engineering | 6 Points | Change Stone to 3 Workers |
50 Coins | Architecture | 8 Points | 1 additional point for every monument |
60 Coins | Empire | 8 Points | 1 additional point for every city |
Each player may purchase each development only once.
You get points for each development and you can use a positive effect also.
Example: You want to buy the development "Agriculture", which costs 15 coins.
One of your dice shows
, so you have 7 coins.
For the missing 8 coins you have to sell goods.
You own following goods:
1 Spearhead with value 5, 1 Fabric with value 4, 3 Stones with a total value of 12 and 5 Wood with a total value of 15.
You sell all your Spearhead and Fabric, with a value of 9 coins altogether.
You buy the development "Agriculture". You get 3 points for this development.
In following turns you get 1 additional Food for each food die.
Instead of selling Spearhead and Fabric you could sell all your Stones or all your Wood.
But it is not allowed to sell only a part of one type of goods.
You must spend all of that type of goods.
6) Discard Goods

You may only keep 6 goods total.
If you have more than 6, discard excess goods of your choice.
You have to discard the goods at the end of your turn.
During your turn you can have more than 6 goods.
After this step it's the turn of the next player.
Example: If you have 3 Stone and 5 Wood, you have a total of 8 goods.
Discard 2 Wood.
Then you finish your turn with 3 Stone and 3 Wood. (Also possible: discard 2 Stone or 1 Stone and 1 Wood.)
Game End
The game is over at the end of the round when:
- One player buys his 5th development.
- Each monument has been built at least once by any of the players in the game.
Play until all players have had an equal number of turns.
The scoring:
Add points for every development and monument.
Players who bought Architecture add 1 point for every monument they built over the course of the game and
players who bought Empire add 1 point for every city they have.
Players then subtract points for the disasters.
The player with the highest score wins.
In the event of a tie, award the game to the tied player whose remaining goods are worth the most.
The following variants are not available on
Solitaire Play
Use the normal rules above, with the following changes:
- Play for a total of 10 rounds and attempt to get the highest score you can.
- Use all of the monuments.
- Pestilence affects you if you roll it (unless you have Medicine).
- Religion prevents the effects of Revolt.
- Unlike the regular game, you are allowed to re-roll dice with skulls on them (like any other result).
Trading Game
As a game variant, try the Trading Game which includes the following changes:
After the player feeds his cities and resolves disasters but before he
builds cities and monuments, he may trade goods and food with his opponents.
During the Trade step, the active player may trade goods and food
with the other players in any combination that both players agree to.
For example, a player may trade 3 Wood for 2 Stone with one player, then trade 3 Stone for 2 Ceramic with another player.
The other player may only trade with the player whose turn it is. A player may not possess more
of any good than he owns.