Game Idea
Each player takes on a role of a tribal chief. Every round players acquire new people into their village (Lumberjacks, Priests or Hunters & Gatherers) or they build a Stone Statue (called Moai). At the end of each round players score points for one type of Rapa-Nui-Cards cards. This way the players will obtain Wood, Glory points or Sacrifice cards in the game.
The winner of the game will be the player who collected the most Glory points through Moai and Priests plus the most valuable Sacrifice cards. During the game the players will influence the value of the different Sacrifice cards whenever Sacrifice Rounds take place.
Game Preparation
• Each player takes 4 Start-Cards (1 Lumberjack + 3 Hunters & Gatherers) of one color and a Summary card.
• The Lumberjack card is placed in front of the player. This will be player’s Personal Display Area and during the game additional cards will be added to this area. The 3 Hunters & Gatherers cards are placed in player’s hand.
• With less than 4 players the left over Start-Cards are placed in the box and will not be used.
• Shuffle the 50 Rapa-Nui-Cards and build a face down stack for the game.
• Prepare the General Display Area:
From the face down stack take, one by one, 16 cards and build 4 separate columns with 4 cards in each (see example for the initial setup)
• Sort the 100 Sacrifice Cards by type (Fish, Mulberries, Sweet Potatos, Grains) creating an open stack of each.
• Each player takes 1 Sacrifice card from each type.
• Player’s Sacrifice cards are placed faced down in front of them. Players can look at these cards any time during the game.
• Create a supply area for Wood and Glory point tiles on the side.
• The Stone of Sacrifice is placed next to the General Display Area.
• Pick a starting player.
• Each player takes Wood tiles in specific values as a starting capital:
Starting player takes Wood tiles of value 2, next player in clockwise order takes Wood tiles of value 3, next player 4, the fourth player takes Wood tiles of value 5.
Game Play
Beginning with the starting player, everyone performs their complete turn in a clockwise order. Complete turn is made up of 3 steps:
Player’s Complete Turn
1. Take a Sacrifice card (optional)
2. Play card(s) from hand
3. Draw cards from the General Display Area and initiate scoring
Detailed steps for each of the above:
1. Take a Sacrifice card (optional)
The active player can take exactly 1 Sacrifice card from one of the 4 open Sacrifice card stacks. Cost for this action will usually be 5 Wood. The cost for the Sacrifice card can go down by 1 wood for every Hunters & Gatherers of the matching type. Cost of the card cannot be less than zero Wood. Should a specific Sacrifice card not be available in the open stacks, it can no longer be chosen.

Example: It’s Sandra’s turn. She has 7 Wood, 1 Lumberjack, 1 Hunter & Gatherer “Mulberry” and 2 Hunters & Gatherers “Grains”. She can now decide if she wants to get 1 Sacrifice card. 1 Mulberry would cost her 4 Wood: 5-1 (because she has Hunter & Gatherer “Mulberry” in her display). 1 Grain would cost her 3 Wood: 5-2 (because she has 2 Hunter & Gatherer “Grain” in her display). Fish and Sweet Potatoes would cost her 5 Wood each, because she doesn’t have any Hunter & Gatherer of that type. But she can also decide not to get any Sacrifice cards.
2. Play card(s) from hand
The active player plays cards from hand by laying them down in front of him adding them to their Personal Display Area. Depending on the cards the player is holding in his hand, he must decide which cards to play.
That means that he either plays:
1 Lumberjack
Cost to play the card: None.
Effect: No effect when card is played.
1 Priest
Cost to play the card: None.
Effect: No effect when card is played.
1 Moai
Cost to play the card: 7 Wood.
a) Every Moai in Personal Display Area of the player’s is worth 4 Glory points at the end of the game.
b) Sacrifice Round:
After 1 Moai is built, a Sacrifice Round takes place. Beginning with the player to the left of the starting player, each player must place 1 of his collected Sacrifice cards on the Stone of Sacrifice (if a player has such a card at all). The active player places a Sacrifice card last and face down, so the other players do not know what type of card he sacrificed. In addition, the active player picks 1 of the open stack Sacrifice cards and places it face up on the Stone of Sacrifice as well.
Important: The sacrificed cards will determine the final values for each type of Sacrifice card for the end of the game (the type sacrificed the most will be most valuable, the next most sacrificed will be valued less, etc. [see End of Game]). If a player collected a lot of cards of one type in the game, he’d wish that this type of card would be sacrificed the most. But careful: with every sacrificed card, the player will have less cards of that type to be scored at the end of the game. Thus players must find a middle ground and pay attention to which types of cards are sacrificed.
Note: The face down cards on the Stone of Sacrifice stay face down till the end of the game!

Example: Arne plays 1 Moai and initiates a Sacrifice Round. His left neighbor Stefan begins and sacrifices 1 Sweet Potato (1.). Patrick sacrifices 1 Grain (2.). Sandra also sacrifices 1 Grain (3.). Arne sacrifices 1 face down Sacrifice card (4.). Because Arne was the one to build the Moai, he can pick another Sacrifice card from one of the 4 open stack and place it on the Stone of Sacrifice. He picks 1 Mulberry (5.). |
1-3 Hunters & Gatherers of one type (Fish, Mulberries, Sweet Potatos, Grains)
Cost to play the card: 0-2 Wood (see Special Rules).
Effect: No effect when card is played.
Special Rules: one can play more than 1 Hunters & Gatherers card, but they all must be of the same type (Fish for example).
Cost to play 1 Hunters & Gatherers card is nothing.
Cost to play 2 Hunters & Gatherers cards of the same type is 1 Wood.
Cost to play 3 Hunters & Gatherers cards of the same type is 2 Wood.
Example: It’s Stefan’s turn and he plays 2 Hunter & Gatherer “Fish” card from hand into his Personal Display Area. That costs him 1 Wood, because he has played 2 Hunter & Gatherer “Fish” at once. The fact that he already had 1 Hunter & Gatherer “Fish” card in his display does not influence the costs.
Note: A player can play on his turn only one card and only of one type, except for the Hunters & Gatherers cards of the same type:
1 Lumberjack or 1 Priest or 1 Moai or 1-3 Hunters & Gatherers (of the same type!)
Special Situation: Should it happen during the game that a player has 3 Moai cards in hand, but doesn’t have enough Wood to pay for the Moai card, he must place 1 of the 3 Moai cards back in the box (and out of the game), instead of playing 1 card.
3. Draw cards from the General Display Area and initiate scoring
The active player must refill his hand back to 3 cards. To do this he picks the top most laying cards in the General Display Area from any of the 4 columns. If he needs to pick another card, because he still doesn’t have 3 cards in hand, he picks the top most laying cards in the General Display Area from any of the 4 columns again.
Important: if during the refilling of the hand cards one of the card columns in the General Display Area becomes empty, immediately replenish that column with 4 new cards.
At the end of the player’s turn scoring will take place for the card that was last uncovered during refilling of the hand cards. This can also be the 4th card placed as part of the replenishing of the column in the General Display Area.
“Replenishing of the cards” Example 1:
Stefan has played 1 card and now picks up 1 card from the General Display Area. He chooses Hunter & Gatherer “Grain” and takes it into his hand. |
 | Stefan has again 3 cards in hand, so the just uncovered top card will be used for scoring. In this case it is Moai. |
“Replenishing of the cards” Example 2:
Patrick has played 2 cards into his display area and now picks up 1 card from the General Display Area. He chooses the Moai and takes it into his hand. Now he picks up the 2nd card from the General Display Area to fill his hand back to 3. He chooses the Priest and takes it into his hand. Because one of the columns is now empty, it is immediately replenished with 4 new cards from the face down stack. Patrick now has 3 cards in his hand and the just uncovered top card will be used for scoring. In this case it is Lumberjack.
The last uncovered card in the column used for Scoring applies to all players:
Each player gets 1 Wood per Lumberjack card in his Personal Display Area.
Bonus: if a player has at least 2 Lumberjacks and he alone has majority in Lumberjacks out of all other players, that player gets 1 additional Wood.
The Lumberjacks are scored. Stefan is the only one with 2 Lumberjacks in his Personal Display Area, the other players have only 1 Lumberjack each. Stefan receives 3 Wood (1 Wood per Lumberjack plus 1 Wood as a Bonus, because he has at least 2 Lumberjacks and is the only one having their majority). The other players receive 1 Wood for their single Lumberjack. |
Each player gets 1 Glory point per Priest card in his Personal Display Area.
Bonus: if a player has at least 2 Priests and he alone has majority in Priests out of all other players, that player gets 1 Glory point.
Priests are being scored. Patrick is the only one who has Priests in his display, the other players have none. Patrick receives 1 Glory point (1 Glory point per Priest, but he doesn’t get the Bonus, since although he has majority, he doesn’t have at least 2 Priests). The other players receive no Glory points. |
Each player gets 1 Glory point or 1 Wood per Moai card in his Personal Display Area.
Bonus: if a player has at least 2 Moais and he alone has majority in Moais out of all other players, that player gets 1 Glory point or 1 Wood.
Important: You must decide which items to receive, Glory points or Wood. To receive a combination of both is not allowed, not even when you have more Moais.
Moais are scored. Sandra has 1 Moai in her Personal Display Area, Arne has 2 Moais. Sandra can now decide if she wants to get 1 Glory point or 1 Wood. Arne can decide if he wants to get 3 Glory points or 3 Wood (because he has 2 Moais and has alone the majority). |
Hunters & Gatherers
Each player that has at least 1 Hunters & Gatherers card in his Personal Display Area of the type being scored, gets exactly 1 Sacrifice card of that type from the open stack. Player who initiated scoring take the cards first, then other players in turn follow him.
Note: Different than the other card types (Lumberjack, Priest, Moai), the payout in Sacrifice cards does not occur “per card in Personal Display Area”! Player receives 1 Sacrifice card, no matter if he has 1 or 3 Hunters & Gatherers cards of the type being scored. But the more Hunters & Gatherers cards one has, the cheaper it is to obtain additional Sacrifice cards (see “1. Take 1 Sacrifice card”). In addition the player may receive a bonus.
Bonus: if a player has at least 2 Hunters & Gatherers and he alone has majority in Hunters & Gatherers out of all other players, that player gets 1 additional Sacrifice card of that type.
Special Situation: Should it happen, that one of the stacks of Sacrifice cards is depleted, but players would normally still receive cards of that type, players can instead pick a different Sacrifice card than the type being scored.
Hunter & Gatherer “Grain” is being scored. Patrick and Sandra have each 2 of these Hunters & Gatherers in their Personal Display Areas, the other players have none. Because Patrick and Sandra both have at least 1 Hunter & Gatherer “Grain” they each receive exactly 1 Sacrifice card “Grain” from the open stack. They don’t however receive the Bonus. They both have at least 2 Hunter & Gatherer, but none of them has a majority alone. |
Important: At the end of player’s turn only one type of card is scored and that’s the card in the General Display Area that was uncovered last.
After the Scoring the next player in turn will perform his Complete Turn (Steps 1-3).
Game End
The game ends immediately after one of the card columns in General Display Area is replenished and the stack of face down Rapa-Nui-Cards gets completely depleted.
Note: The last uncovered card type will no longer be scored!
Final Scoring takes place. Each player counts their Glory Points (GP)
• During the game collected Glory point tiles: X GP
• Per Moai card in Personal Display Area: 4 GP
• Per 5 Wood: 1 GP
• Per collected Sacrifice card: 0-3 GP
The value of the collected Sacrifice cards is determined as follows:
Sort the Sacrifice cards on the Stone of Sacrifice and count how many times each type of card was sacrificed. The type of card sacrificed the most will be worth 3 GP, the 2nd most sacrificed will be worth 2 GP, the 3rd most sacrificed will be worth 1 GP and the least sacrificed cards will be worth 0 GP.
When ties occur for the most sacrificed card types, both tied types get the same value. The following situations for ties may occur:
• With 2 types tied only values “3”, “2” and “1” will be assigned.
• With 3 types tied, or 2 and 2 types tied, only values “3” and “2” will be assigned.
• If all types are tied for most sacrificed cards, then all types get a value of “3”.
Note: The Sacrifice cards on the Stone of Sacrifice determine the value for the different types of Sacrifice cards for all players. Each player than counts the value of all his personal Sacrifice cards based on those values.
At the end of the game, the following cards lay on the Stone of Sacrifice:
4x Grain, 4x Mulberries, 2x Fish, 1x Sweet Potatoes. Grain and Mulberries were sacrificed the most, so each is worth 3 GP. Fish was 2nd most sacrificed and is thus worth 2 GP. Sweet Potatoes were 3rd most sacrificed and are worth 1 GP. These values apply to all players.
At the end of the game Sandra has the following Sacrifice cards in front of her: 2x Grain, 1x Mulberry, 3x Fish and 1x Sweet Potato. Her total worth value is then (2x 3GP)+(1x 3GP)+(3x 2GP)+(1x 1GP) = 16.
At the end of the game Stefan has the following Sacrifice cards in front of him:
0x Grain, 1x Mulberry, 5x Fish and 2x Sweet Potato. His total worth value is then (0x 3GP)+(1x 3GP)+(5x 2GP)+(2x 1GP) = 15. |
Special Situation:
Should it happen, that no player played a Moai card and thus no Sacrifice cards were sacrificed onto the Stone of Sacrifice, then all Sacrifice cards have a Glory point value of 0!
The player with the most Glory points wins the game. In case of a tie, the winner is the player with more Moai cards in his Personal Display Area. If there’s still a tie, the winner is the player with more Wood. If there’s still a tie, the players share their victory places.